2 - Suspicion

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Paul returned to work the next day, hugging himself very tight. He was just so happy that he'd gotten what he'd dreamed of. He sighed dreamily to himself as he approached his boss's office, regaining his composure. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." Tord's accent blared through the door, Paul opening the door.

"Hey, boss." Paul smiled happily, he was usually grumpy and done with everyone's shit, but now he was genuinely glad and joyful. This made Tord question him.

"I'm ready for work." Paul told him.

"You're smiling a lot more than usual soldier..." Tord took the cigar out of his mouth, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just in a REALLY good mood." Paul beamed at Tord.

"And why is that?" Tord asked, putting his feet on the desk.

Paul put a cigarette in his mouth, smoking it. "Oh, just stuff outside of work, just life."

"What happened??" Tord asked, glaring that he hadn't told him.

"Um...my mother got remarried." Paul spit out, smiling nervously.

"And you're happy for her?" Tord asked.

"Yeah! Love is love!" Paul smiled.

"Wait, who did she get married to?!" Tord screamed.

"A customer around the base." Paul answered.

"The lesbian. Your mom is a lesbian." Tord wanted clarification.

"She's bisexual." Paul snapped.

"Ohh, see THAT makes a bit of sense." Tord smiled a little, then put a cigar in his mouth, his expression turning cold.

"Alright, so your job for today is to sell those guns that the troops used at he zombie apocalypse to make money, and put the tips in the jar. It's a simple job, really."

Paul saluted his leader. "I won't let you down, sir."

"Good. Now go to the warehouse and make some money." Tord shooed him off.

Paul went to the warehouse, seeing all the different guns and took out his own, seeing how tiny it was compared to the others. "Dammit." He sighed to himself.

He walked over to one of the bigger guns, swapping his with it. "Perfect."

Then the door opened with the chime of the bell on it, Paul going behind the counter. It was one of the tougher soldiers, one that was certainly buffer than Paul himself. Mangus, the soldier just below Tord at the job level.

 Mangus, the soldier just below Tord at the job level

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(what he looks like btw(my drawing))

Mangus approached Paul with a look in his eye. "I need a rifle. Stat."

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