Chapter 1

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Today was a particularly warm afternoon, borderline average but it worked. The inside of the classroom was getting stuffier by the minute and the Teacher kept insisting she would open a window, but never did with her old mind trailing her off every single time.

Michelangelo's head rested between his arms as Mrs. Lamp-something (He couldn't quite muster up the energy to remember her name) continued droning on about some boring old history lesson involving the American revolution and their breakaway from the British empire, as if she hadn't just been repeating herself for weeks on end. Honestly? They'd be way further into the yearly course if she'd picked up the speed, no one bar himself needed this much emphasis and even Mikey could understand the basics

"MICHELANGELO HAMATO!" She suddenly yelled causing him to sit upright in a panic. All sets of eyes were on him and wow did his face flush, she taped her foot like an impatient mother waiting for an explanation "Are my lessons not exiting enough for you?"

Duh, Captain obvious

"Ha?" That response earned him a downright fierce-sum glare that could rival the animosity of any final boss from his video games. "Sorry, sorry my bad teach I just-"

"Fell asleep in my class?" She finished in his place, crossing her arms and looking unimpressed at the strawberry blonde sitting before her- he felt like a man on death row and she was appointed as his judge. What a fitting job description, when she prided herself on looking as unapproachable and murderous as physically possible. Actually, Mikey has the faintest memory of Mrs. Lampen being rumoured to have killed her pervious husband so clearly it wasn't just him.

"Well, technically" god he sounded annoyingly enough like Don "I didn't really fall asleep" he reasoned, arms out like he was about to give her a world-view changing performance. Mikey heard a boy poorly try to mask his snicker from behind him, and felt the amused kick of Mondo signaling him to just shut up and stop digging himself a deeper grave. Given that his nervousness made him extra talkative that seemed like a long shot as he's already so far gone.

"Hamato, I am finished with you always managing to distract the class someway or another!"

Mike sunk further in his seat when he caught more eyes beaming him down and found himself unable to respond, which if you knew him personally you would've been shocked to see him at a loss for words.

"Good lord" she pinched the bridge of her pointed nose "Report after school for an evening detention- you can pick up the forum after class"

"Aye aye capt" Mikey halted his phrase after another pointed look. He blushed slightly at the sympathetic looks he was getting from his friends, mixed in with the jeering looks also from his friends, very mixed reviews.

"Good, now back to today's lesson- George Washington took up the mantel as the Leader of the Revolution against Great Britain when a tax-" blah blah blah

Mikey blocked out the rest, the will to learn after being berated didn't seem all that appealing in this current moment so he started doodling little turtles in his notebook, only stopping abruptly to meet the teachers eyes when she turned around every so often.

The numerous cartoon-esc drawings of a sea turtles and other anomalies looked great by the end of the hour-long class but his brothers are seriously going to be to mad.


Raph set down his tray of grossly contaminated cafeteria food, (Raph would swear on his life that he saw his mashed potatoes move at some point) and listened absentmindedly to his younger brother's mournful rant along with Leonardo who was sitting beside him having an unreadable expression as he usually did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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