"Are you okay?" Bonnie asked sharply. Her eyes flashing over to each original. Klaus glared at her as if he was insulted she would even question him.

Eden forced a weak smile," As okay as I can be."

That answer didn't satisfy anyone. At all.

Bonnie was on her toes as Eden approached her, both Originals not hovering too far away.

"What's going on?"

"I need you to help me remove my magic."

Bonnie's breath went scarce."What?"

"Just for a limited amount of time."

Bonnie's eyes focused behind Eden's shoulder. "If they are forcing you to do something you don't have to do it Eden."

Klaus's eyes became deadly and cold. His shoulders tensing. "You dare presume I would allow harm to come to her?"

Bonnie scoffed,"As if you actually care for anyone besides yourself."

Bonnie didn't get to finish her words because his hands wrapped around her throat, effectively silencing her. Panic bounded through her as she struggled to get away.

"Even the most brutal of killers can feel," Klaus growled tauntingly. Bonnie's head beginning to hurt from lack of air.

"Klaus stop it!" Eden screamed as she struggled to break his grip for Bonnie's neck.

How dare some witch come into his home and question what he felt? Klaus however was more angry because a small portion of him feared that Eden would believe that too. That she meant nothing to him, when in reality she meant everything and some.

Klaus released Bonnie, allowing her body to fall unceremoniously to the floor. His eyes heated with anger.

"Don't touch my friends,"Eden hissed, her eyes turning golden as she faced the original. Her protective senses flaring to life.

Klaus stared directly into her eyes completely calm. "Just making sure Ms. Bennett knows her place."

Eden bit her lip," You really think everyone is just beneath you?"

"All except you; You're my equal."

Eden rolled her eyes. And moved towards Elijah," This is not going how I expected it to."

Elijah merely grinned,"You need some excitement in that boring life of yours."

Eden stiffled a laugh.

Kol moved stealithy towards Bonnie offering her hand. Bonnie ignored the limb offered towards her and stood on her own.

"Is that concern or jealousy colouring your cheeks?"

Bonnie disengaged from the trio and looked at Kol. She was proud of the fact she didn't start sneering. "I'm not going to dignify that with a response."

Kol smiled, a smile that reminded her of mean girls," That response is response enough. My brothers have both always held an affinity for witches- beautiful witches. Eden is far more than both could hope for."

"If you're trying to imply something is going on between them then you'd be wrong. Eden would never fall for maniacs like Elijah and Klaus," She snapped.

"Claws back in, darling. You know what they say opposites do attract. But power only yields more power," Kol said simply eyeing the three of them.

"Your family are all monsters."

"You make a fairly decent showpiece but hardly anyone would bend over backwards to deliver you the world into your hands. My brothers, I can tell, would do that for Eden."

"Is there a point to this conversation?"

Kol leered,"The point is your not used to seeing Eden being fancied by so many men."

"Your lying."

"Are you sure about that?" Eden goaded." Have you looked carefully? I think you're only seeing what's on the surface, afraid to look any deeper."

Bonnie peeled her gaze from Kol and focused on the three of them. She replayed the short conversation she had with Eden after she invaded her mind. Could Eden actually care for Klaus? Could Eden care for Elijah? Could she care for both?

No, Bonnie inwardly shook her head. Eden wasn't affectionate with anyone, she didn't allow anyone especially men to get to close. Eden had morals, principals, she would never lower her standards for either Elijah or Klaus.

Bonnie observed the way Klaus's eyes lingered on Eden's form. He was a monster, it was the simplest way to put it. But when he looked at Eden he didn't look like a monster. That part of him was still there, but it was calm. In spite of everything Bonnie held that lingering hope that everyone was good at heart. Even the most cruel of monsters it just takes the right person to bring it out. Eden seemed to bring out the good in him without forcing down the bad. He was still who he was, just better.

With Elijah his eyes told something different. Everyone knew of his past affection for the doppelgangers and in that moment he seemed to be questioning if that was even real. What if I have some idea of love in my head but it's totally wrong? He looked at Eden as if she was every fantasy he ever wanted combined into one. A silent obsessiveness seemed bitingly obvious, but it wasn't like the one Damon had for Elena. No, this obsessiveness held Eden's best interest.

And then her eyes fell to Eden. She was stressed and tired, that what was what rested on the surface. But underneath that was deep seated confusion and general lack of understanding how to proceed.

Eden wasn't like Elena in that retrospect. Elena always had men willing to fight for her, even before the Salvatores came around. With Eden it was Gabriel, and their love was toxic and twisted but it was all she had.

"Oh no," Bonnie whispered lowly, because damn it all to hell she could see it. She could see what Kol was telling her.

"Oh yes," Kol replied, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Eden tell me it isn't true," Bonnie said loudly, her eyes wild as she stepped forward.

Eden frowned," What do you mean?"

"Tell me you don't love either of them."

Eden flinched surprised by what Bonnie was demanding. "What do you want me to say?" Eden replied weakly.

"Anything but that. This isn't you, Eden. You don't care all that much about anyone-"

Elijah cut her off," Perhaps you don't know Eden."

"And you do?" Bonnie replied just as sharply.

Eden looked down," I'm so sorry."

"There is no love triangle Eden. There is a person in the middle who likes attention." Bonnie said harshly. Eden's mouth ran dry at her words and her heart thumped on painfully.

Shutting her eyes to force away the new wave of tears that came forth. "You think I asked for this? I didn't dote on anyone like Elena did with Damon. I didn't respect their wishes. In fact I purposely disobeyed everything they said so they would want nothing to do with me. I didn't try to form a relationship. I tried to push them away. I tried so hard Bonnie."

Bonnie roughly ran a hand through her hair. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"I tried not to like them. I tried not to fall for either of them but they fucking tripped me."

Klaus and Elijah remained unusually quiet. They knew their affections were putting a strain on Eden, neither knew to what extent.

Eden sighed," Will you still help me, or have I screwed everything up."

Bonnie stepped forward, more guilty then she wanted to be. Placing her hand over Eden's. "I can't say I will ever be okay with this. But I am okay with you. If you're willing to forgive me for what I did."

Eden smiled," I already have."

Bonnie felt tears burn her eyes," Okay then. What do I have to do?"

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