Fangs or Not

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Eden hung up the phone, her palms sweaty. More scared than she wanted to be. She looked up at Klaus and Elijah. The only two remaining in the room, since Kol finally decided to move Mikaels body. She looked very young somehow.

"I'm so scared," She whispered squeezing her eyes shut." I think I'm going to be sick." Clutching her stomach as she stood.

"You'll get through it." Elijah answered. He couldn't handle the sight of fear coursing through her, especially knowing his mother had caused it.

"What if I don't?"

"Well then I will personally make fun of you every day for the rest of your life," Klaus answered.

Eden laughed at that. She could imagine it, Klaus hovering over her. Mocking and taunting. The air seemed to lighten some at her laughter.

Elijah tilted his head downwards, listening to something."It seems your friend has arrived."

Elijah and Klaus both offered Eden their arms. Grabbing hold of both brothers she paused.

Klaus sensing her hesitation asked softly," Shall we?"

Eden met his eyes. They where so blue. She often forgot how beautiful they where. Deep and powerful. But they weren't simply one shade of blue, they changed.

She dragged her eyes away from his to focus on Elijah. His eyes were brown. But they where anything but simple. She could see the stories his eyes kept and held. The secrets and mysteries as well. Maybe he will tell her all of them one day. That is if she survives.

Letting out a shaky breath," I'm ready. I think."

They didn't move.

"We won't go anywhere unless you want us to, Eden."

Eden shook her head," It doesn't matter what I want. This is what has to happen." It was a bitter pill to swallow.

"What you want is all that matters."

Eden gulped. She could feel the seriousness of those words. She could feel herself stuck between either Mikaelson. It wasn't an easy place to be in.

"We shall."

Bonnie arrived fairly quickly not knowing what to expect. Was Eden being held hostage? Was she hurt? And it made her sick not to know, because if the situation had been reversed Eden would know. She would make sure Bonnie wouldn't get hurt even if Bonnie had been mad at her.

Kol had been the one to answer the door. His eyes holding a violence and a playfulness that she didn't think could coexsist. Bonnie resisted the urge to shiver as his eyes moved over her body, licking his lips hungrily.

"Hello Ms. Bennett." Kol greeted, the use of her last name more of a form of teasing rather than politeness.

"Where is Eden?"

Kol chuckled, allowing her to enter. She stepped into the mansion hesitantly, uncomfortable so close to the reckless original. "She's safe."

Bonnie didn't believe that. She couldn't.

Kol's eyes tore into hers, unrelenting. "You are lucky to have a friend who would kill for you."

Bonnie felt her shoulders sag," We aren't much of friends now."

Kol tilted his head examining her. She didn't know why though. And then her attention found Eden, who strode down the stairs an original on either arm. The visual image was discomforting to Bonnie. Because Eden looked comfortable among both Elijah and Klaus. Bonnie wanted to say something about it, but she bit her tongue. She had no right.

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