Chapter 3

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After taking a long look at what I've become, I immediately started thinking of my family and my YouTube subscribers. What the hell are they going to think? I guess when I'm outside of work all I have to worry about is my hair.

I was snapped out of my concerning thoughts with the door opening. All three of my fellow S.H.I.E.L.D members walk in to see my new look. "Hey, you look great! So much better than you're old look." Seth says. "What's that suppose to mean?" I ask.

"It means that this is the look we were looking for this whole time, and now we finally got it on you." Roman says. "Okayyyy.." I say still completely confused. "Anyways, our debut is Survivor Series this Sunday, so we pretty much have all of this week to prepare." Dean says.

"Okay, so what do in the meantime?" I ask. "We ditch this place and go to a building that has a training ring." Seth says. "Okay, let me just get my bag it's in the authority's office." I say quickly getting my bag and heading back with the guys.

"Let's go?" I ask and they nod and we all head out the door.

Monday Night Raw after Survivor Series.

The S.H.I.E.L.D made an awesome debut at Survivor Series yesterday. The guys attacked Ryback during his match. I honestly don't know why Ryback, but whatever I guess.

I made my debut by interrupting Nikki Bella's promo, because she just won the divas championship last night. My music plays and I enter and just have a stare down with Nikki and her twin sister Brie.

They shove pass me and I give Brie a forearm to her face before attacking Nikki. Brie soon rips me off Nikki and I just drive her into Nikki knocking them both over. I push them out of the ring before grabbing the title and holding it up high.

I toss it back to Nikki and exit out to The S.H.I.E.L.D's music. I walk up the ramp and backstage to the gorilla, seeing the rest of my team watching the screen in front of them. I walk up to them, and poke Dean on the shoulder, getting all three of the guy's attention.

"Sooo, what'd you think?" I ask. "Let's just keep you out promos till you learn." Dean says. "Yeah, I think you'll do better at standing on our corner during our matches." Seth says. "Definitely, and you'll help us win, by sabotaging our opponents." Roman says, and the three just walk away, leaving a shocked and now discouraged me standing there.

*The next day in the Performance Center*

"C'mon Ashley! Seth, the ref is distracted! Go sabotage Roman!" Dean barks at me. "Okay okay!" I say, sliding into the ring and go to sabotage Roman, but ending up tripping on my laces and falling over. "Come on Ashley, now that's just going to get the refs attention, and you'll get us disqualified!" Roman yells.

"I'm sorry, I tripped!" I yell back. "You know what, this isn't gonna work, until you can get your technique under control, you're not allowed to be involved with us and our matches." Seth says, and the three of them, exit the training ring, and leaves the performance center.

"Well, how the hell am I supposed to perfect it if I don't have help??" "Figure it out." The say harshly as they walk out the door. I sigh, before sitting down behind the ropes and rest my arms on the second rope.

Why did I think this was a good idea? I literally only agreed to be apart of this stupid team is because I knew I had entrance music, designed attire, etc. already done for me, which saves me the time I really don't have..

Why don't I just quit? I mean I'm already a successful YouTuber, I have something to go back to.. "Hey, you alright?" I a very familiar voice asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I slowly lift my head up, and come face to face with Y2J himself!

"Oh! Uh, y-yeah, I'm fine.. just.. sitting." I say. "That was pretty rude of what your teammates told you." He says, sitting next to me. "Y-yeah, it wasn't really nice.." I say still astonished that I'm now sitting next to Chris Jericho.

"So what's your name?" He asks with a soft smile. "I'm Ashley Jones, but I usually go by AJ outside of work.." I blush a bit. "So would you like me to call you Ashley or AJ?" Chris asks wrapping and arm around me. "AJ please." I smile. "Okay AJ I want to help you get prepared for whatever your rude teammates want you to do." Chris says standing up and helping me to my feet.

"Okay." I smile more.

Later that night

No One's POV

"Where the hell is she?!" Dean screams. "I don't know, have you tried calling her!" Seth replies. "Of course I have dumbass!" Dean snaps. "Hey hey hey calm down. If you think about it we're normally asleep before she returns so she'll be back soon." Roman says trying to calm everyone down.

The door opens and Ashley slowly walks in. "There you are! Now where the hell have you been?!" Dean asks walking up to Ashley. "Out." "Out where?! Do you realize how dangerous it could be this late at night!?" Dean's voice raises. "Out with a friend! And since when did you care about me?! I mean you three had no trouble leaving me all alone in the performance center!" Ashley frowns, walking into her room and slamming the door shut.

"She's right Dean, we've shown her that we really don't care, so where is all this concern coming from?" Seth asks. "I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't care about her. I don't even care about myself." Dean says walking to his room and closing the door shut. Seth and Roman look at each other before shrugging the whole thing off and going to their own rooms.

After Dean hears both doors closing, he slowly walks out of his room and walks to Ashley's room. He silently opens the door, and looks at her bed expecting her to be asleep already, but what he sees is a bunch of technology stuff set up at the corner of the room and Ashley doing something while her eyes are glued to the computer screen. She was editing YouTube videos.

'So that's why she does such a bad job in the morning while we train... she's exhausted from staying up so late and having to wake up early for workout..' Dean thought to himself. He watches Ashley for a few more minutes before silently closing the door, and walking back to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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