Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So this is the remake of The Sister of The S.H.I.E.L.D. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think of the remake. Also check out my other stories and don't forget to comment, vote, and maybe a third thing. Enjoy! Luv you guys! -Mox 🤘🏻

Ashley's POV

Hello everyone, my name is Ashley Elizabeth Jones. You might know me from YouTube, because I am one of the most subscribed channels out of the whole YouTube community, or you're just here to hear about my story.

Well to start off, I am twenty years old, I just finished my basics at UCLA or for those of you who like to call it, The University of California at Los Angeles. I have been living with my grandmother ever since I was eight years old, and I'm about to explain why.

First off, what's a person with no back story? To answer that here's mine:

I was born in the city of Chicago in Illinois, my parents were Allen Jones (A/N: No her father isn't AJ Styles, I'm going to get to that part later.) and Lilian Jones-McMahon.

My dad was a police officer from Dallas Texas and my mom was a nurse from San Antonia Texas. After they got married and conceived me, they moved to Chicago.

Life with both parents was a short and hard one. My parents always argued over every little thing, especially when it came to myself. For example, my dad wanted to put me in a swimming class, but my mom wanted to put me in gymnastics, to compromise they put me in both.

My mom also hated that my dad got me into WWF so early in my life, what she hated more was that I understood it and wanted to be put in MMA.

All this arguing got to the point where my mom decided to give me full custody to my dad and left. I honestly thought it was my fault and my dad would never be happy again. It wasn't until he got me tickets to my first WWF event, and put me in MMA.

When I was around eight years old, my dad told me he got a job in a big place called New York City and we had to live there. I was scared at first but I knew I would be safe as long as I was with my dad.

Living in New York was different, but I eventually got used to it. One day, one of my dad's friends was going to take me and him on a tour to The World Trade Center or The Twin Towers, whichever you like to call it.

Little did we know that world was going to change that same day, for that day was September 11, 2001. When we were about a few blocks away, the first plane hits the first tower.

Everyone, including myself was in complete shock. Some people thought it was an accident, but others didn't think the same. I was just busy thinking about the poor people who already have died due to the impact of the plane.

My dad and his friend rush into the buildings. My dad's friend went into the burning one, and my dad went into the one next to it to start evacuating people. It wasn't very long when the second plane hit the second tower.

I was so scared that my dad was in there while the building was burning, but I knew that was his job. What I didn't expect was the towers to collapse. As the south tower, the one my dad was in, started collapsing, I just stared shocked, and his friend from the north tower picked me up and took me to a building that was further away from the scene.

That day I lost my dad and was left with no parents, I didn't want to find my mom, so my dad's friend took me to my grandmother's place in L.A. and she took me in.

I've been living with her ever since, and I've missed my dad a lot, but I'm glad I have a home, and everything.

I'm going to skip the time to when I first started college, because you thought my childhood was just 'wow' wait till you see my college life:

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