Chapter 2

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I just finished my training and my workout, and I head home to finish editing my newest YouTube video.

I get to my front door and pull out my keys to find out the door was already unlocked. I walk in and see my grandmother talking to a lady.

As I got a closer look I saw it was.. Stephanie McMahon?? "Oh Ashley, you're back that's great." My grandma says.

"Yeah, I'm back and what is Stephanie McMahon doing in our living room?" I ask out of pure confusion. "Well, that's what I'm here for." Stephanie says.

I sat down in the chair across from Stephanie and started explaining everything she thought I should know. Apparently, I am related to the McMahon's of the WWE.

How in the living hell? You ask. Well she told me that after Shane and before Stephanie, Vince had a child, my mom, but wasn't ready for a second one, so he put her up for adoption.

"So you're telling me Shane O' Mac is my uncle and you're my aunt? And your children are my cousins?" I say trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Yes, that's right." She confirms. "Okay, but why are you barley telling me now??" I ask. "Because I wanted to tell you that my father, my husband, and I want you in the WWE." She says.

"That's awesome, but what about my YouTube channel?" I ask. "Well that's for you to decide if you can handle both then that's fine." She says, "But I need to know if you're in."

"Yeah, I'm in." I say. "Great to hear, because another reason why I'm here to tell you this, is because there's a new faction forming and they want you in it." She says.

"Okay, sounds good." I say. "Tomorrow during Monday night Raw, you'll be discussing everything, off air of course." She says. "Okay, where is it going to be." I ask.

"In San Francisco, now I would like to catch up as your aunt, but I have to leave, my flight is about to leave." She says and exits the house.

"Isn't that big for you darling!" My grandma says. "Yeah, it's just all coming at me at once. Is it okay if I leave to San Francisco tonight." I ask.

"Of course, it's only a few hours away, just be safe and keep in touch with me." She says and goes to her room. "I will." I say and go to my room to finish editing my video.

That same night, I pack my stuff, say bye to my grandma, and get on the road to San Francisco.

I get there around midnight, and I fill up my car with gas and go to my hotel. I just take my stuff down and go to sleep.

In the morning, I finally publish my video before I go do my workout. After my workout, I shower and get ready for Monday night Raw.

I head to the arena, and I was greeted by Stephanie. "Ashley, you're here early." She says. "Well, I had nothing else to do.. Is there anywhere I can put my stuff?" I ask.

"Yeah, you can head to the authority's office, only you as my niece are welcome to enter my office whenever you want, and when you are done getting your faction together, you will have your own locker room." She says.

"Awesome, so where's your office?" I ask. "Follow me." She says and leads me to her office. "Nice office." I compliment. "Thank you." She says. "If you ever get lost just find the door that says 'The Authority.'" She says.

"Alright. I'm just going to wander around if that's alright." I say. "Yeah, go ahead." She says, and I exit. I look around and damn the building is a lot bigger than I thought.

I just decided to sit on this case of equipment until someone tells me to move or something. I just go on my phone to kill time or to see when the others are on their way.

As the hours past, I eventually got a call and it was from one of the members, Seth Rollins. "What's up?" I ask. "Hey, me and the guys are at the entrance, where you at?" He asked.

"I'm indoors, we can meet up somewhere if you like?" I suggest. "Okay, meet us in front the The Authority's office." He says.

"Okay, I'm on my way there." I say and hang up. I head to the front of The Authority's office before I was standing in front of three guys who were like twice my size.

"You're Ashley?" Seth asks, and I know it's Seth because I recognize his voice. "Yeah, and you guys must the The S- Jon??" I say.

"Ashley!" He says and we hug for a while. "I assume you know each other." Seth says. "Yeah.. We go way back." I say. "Yeah, and you kept the chain!" He says locking at the chain he gave me.

"I did." I say smiling. "Anyways, let's go to an empty room." Seth says. As we were walking I hear Jon whispering in my ear. "Also, I wanted to let you know I got a name change to Dean Ambrose." He says.

"That's going to take some getting used to, but okay." I whisper back as we find and empty room. We all settle in before Seth continues to talk.

"Okay, as you all know we are going to be going by as The S.H.I.E.L.D." He starts off. He shows us our design for our gear. Which isn't that bad.

For myself I have to wear black leggings, a black T-Shirt, the black vest, and black combat boots. A lot of black, but it could be worse.

We continued talking about our finishers, abilities, and a lot of other things. We were also talking about our entrance and how we are going to be as dominant in the company as we can.

That means we pretty much have to have WWE gold around our waists, and the only championship for the women's division is the divas championship, but I'm sure I can talk to Stephanie about giving me a title shot.

"And Ashley, before we go here, we're talking about your look." Seth says. "What about it?" I ask. "Well, first off do you wear contacts?" He asks. "Yeah why?" I ask.

"Just wear them whenever you're in the ring you'll look more intimidating without your glasses." He says. "Okayyyy.." I say.

"Also we had some ideas for your makeup and hair." He says and he brings in this lady who looks like she majored in cosmetology. She takes my wrist and pulls me into a locker room.

She starts doing something to my hair, I think she's coloring it but I don't know.. She blows dries my hair, and it's like she's making sure I don't face the mirror.

"What are you doing?!" I ask as she parts my hair down the middle and shaves the parting so it could be automatically parted.

When she finished with my hair, she started with my makeup. She put foundation on my white skin before she puts some neutral blush. She then puts black and royal blue eye shadow along with the same colors in eyeliner, except the eyeliner went  on my eyelid and my waterline, and the blue one goes over the black.

She puts fake eyelashes and curls them. Lastly she puts black lipstick on my lips. "You ready to see the new you?" She asks excitedly. "I guess.." I say. I already feel different.

I thought I was done until she made second piercing on both my ears.

"Ta-Da!" She says and then turns me around to reveal the new me. Yeah it's new, but I don't like it. So turns out what she did with my hair was to the whole parting thing, because she colored half of it blue and the other half black.

What is everyone going to think??

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