But I had my reasons to be angry. I was angry that he had kidnapped me, angry that he had held me against my will and angry that despite those things my god damn wolf was still fawning over him!

I was startled back to reality when my arm was forcefully yanked, making my face slam straight into Chase's side. I looked up only to see a chilling glare from Chase.

It was literally chilling as my body shivered unconsciously.

"The scent of your distaste is not appreciated, Hayley." Chase snapped bitterly as he glared at me, not breaking eye contact.

Well done Hayley, your inner anger got out of hand again and now you're in deep shit. Fucking woopey! I was speaking before I could stop myself.

"Your tone is not appreciated, Chase." My built up anger spoke back for me as I ripped my arm out of his solid grip.

He growled at that movement, moving his hand forward to grab my arm again but he failed to get close enough as I stopped him will I solid whack to his wrist. This seemed to piss him off even more as he seethed at me.

"Stop dictating me! I have two legs, therefore I can walk on my own!" I bit back to his response as I walked ahead of him through the long corridor.

I heard Chase huff like a child behind me before he followed me.


We ended up in Chase's office.

It was an ordinary office. Same old desk, chair, window, fan and an odd plant that looked like it was dying from dehydration. It was entirely plain yet it was...distractive.

But it wasn't distractive because of its lack of style. No, it was distractive because of Chase.

Chase's scent was everywhere.

My nose felt clogged as his masculine musk choked me. It was truly intoxicating, after all to me, his scent was everything I craved.

'If this is what his office smells like, I bet his room smells like daisy's!" In my mind, Shei wagged her tail as her tongue hung out to the side of her mouth.

I mentally rolled my eyes at my wolf before focusing my attention on Chase. He was staring at me.

Actually, forget staring. He was creepily watching me from behind his desk, a glint of malice and a hint of lust layered behind his blue irises. When my eyes met his he smiled before beginning to speak.

"We need to discuss the circumstances of your arrival and how everything will work out," Chase looked at me expectantly, a look that told me he was expecting me to lash out at him. I definitely wanted to but I seriously couldn't be bothered so I signalled him to continue.

"Here at Black Crescent we have certain traditions that your old pack never bothered to enforce. First, when a wolf finds their mate a ceremony will occur where the two mates will participate in a game of hunt and chase. Basically, the female is given an hour to run from the male. When the hour is up the male will search for his female. Once found, they will complete the mating process upon the ground that the she-wolf was found. This ceremony usually occurs on the full moon, so in our case the ceremony will happen in one month seen as I found you on a full moon..." Chase cursed under his breath as he scowled at me.

"So we're playing a game of hide and seek and then having sex in the woods like rabbits?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Chase blinked. He looked perplexed for a moment before shaking his head.

"If that's what you want to call it then, yes. That's basically it. After that there,will be a few more ceremonies that you will have to undergo before you become an official member of the pack but we'll talk about them later."

I slapped my hands together enthusiastically, "I can't wait! The full moon can't come any sooner!"

"Really?" He looked just like a baby who had been given candy and looked nothing like a scary Alpha. It was almost cute but I couldn't give him the satisfaction that I was actually excited about this whole ordeal.

"No. I'll be gone by next Friday anyway." I shrugged checking my nails.

A tick mark appeared on Chase's head before he slammed his hands on the desk.

"Well it's going to happen either way, whether you like it or not. I will dominate you Hayley and you will submit to me. I am your Alpha now and I am your mate. We will be mated on the next full moon and if you aren't willing, " He leans across the desk and hissed the last part in my ear, " I. Will. Use. Force."

After speaking he stormed out, leaving me dumbfounded and alone. I continued to stare at the spot that he was once sat in. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout. I was so confused. But most importantly I wanted to cry.

A single tear fell from my eye but I quickly scrubbed it away. I was not a weak person and I would not cower to a person of strength.

I hated the power that the mate bond had over me as for the first time in my life I felt vulnerable as I now had no say on my future. My future was already mapped out and the Moon Goddess had chosen Chase to be the main star. I hated her for it. I wanted to live freely, I wanted to choose who I fell in love with, I wanted to guide myself in the direction I thought was right.

However, my path was already chosen and I was never intending on following it.

No harm can come from taking a detour to my destiny.

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