Hershey's Kisses

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Picture of Hayley attached.


Mornings were never my forte.

To be honest, I was a wreck, a complete catastrophe when it came to leaving the slumber and warmth of my bed. Especially at anytime before 11, everyone within a 1 mile radius knew far to well than to wake me before then.

However, my mother being my mother simply didn't understand that. And this is exactly how I found myself in the position I was in.

My face stuffed under my pillow, my arms holding it down for extreme measures as I heard my mother nag on about how an 18 year old, soon to be 19, should be up and ready come 10am!

I didn't even want to know what time it was, I knew if I did I would feel even groggier than I did now.

"Go away Mum," I groaned into my mattress, my words coming out as muffled croaks, "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep."

"That I can see." I heard my mothers chuckle even through the thickness of the pillow that covered my ears and could tell that a smirk had graced her delicate features.

"Please Mum. Five more minutes." I complained as I rolled over removing the pillow from my head so I could see her clearly as I sat up.

"No, you need to be up and ready, training starts soon." She nodded her head as a way to tell me that it was final and nothing more should be said on the topic.

I groaned inwardly, I forgot training was starting again and me being the Alphas daughter made it compulsory for me to go.

Me being me, a girl who never liked to back down, I flopped back down onto the bed pulling the soft duvet over my head.

You could blame my father for my stubbornness. Alpha blood ran through my veins and every wolf knew that an Alpha never backed down.

I felt a weight lift from my bed as I heard my mother sigh, "You leave me no choice."

I squealed as I felt the duvet being ripped from my grasp as my mother pulled the curtains open allowing bright streams of sunlight to come cascading into the room.

I covered my eyes cowering away as I felt my mothers smug gaze on me.

"I expect to see you down stairs in half an hour." She clapped her hands together before walking out of the room, my eyes scowling at her figure as she left.

Whipping my legs over the side of the bed, I stood up slowly. I was definitely awake now I sneered to myself.

Grabbing an oversized grey jumper and a pair of black leggings, I got changed, quickly spritzing myself with my favourite perfume before pulling a brush through my thick matted chestnut brown hair.

My eyes glinted in the reflection of the mirror, their dark chocolate brown colour giving off a warm appearance. I gasped quickly as I ran to the bathroom brushing my teeth because morning breath.

Ugh, how I hated mornings.

Grabbing a pair of trainers and slipping them on I ran down the stairs and marched into the kitchen. I yawned with as much exaggeration as possible to make my family feel guilty for waking me up as I sat at my place, a bowl of cereal already set up waiting for me.

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