5-Plank on

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Indigo's POV

The exciting, most glamorous day that students could ever dream of. Angel's sleepover. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and walked over to my car. The invite had the address on it so i followed it and ended up at a huge mansion.

"Woah.." I gasped. It had fountains and a huge pool, and tennis court, and a gym with Windows all around it. There was no doubt about it, Angelica Rivers was rich.

I walked in, and heard girl's laughter coming from up stairs. It got louder as I walked into a huge room with a queen sized bed. I recognized Angelica, Lucy, Ashely, and a ton of cheerleaders and athletes.

"Indigo! Come join us!" Lucy yelled, smiling. I smiled back and sat down on the circle they were in. They welcomed me and all turned to Angelica.

"Whose ready for this years Annual Contest?!" Angel said laughing. All the girls clapped and I stared at Angelica.

"Ok, so how the competition works is every sleepover, we are going to do measurements and tests. Who ever wins each has the title and can sit at my table, and has permission to be with the hot guys at school, aka Luke, Jared, Chase, Mason, and Dakota," Angelica said.

"There are a few categorizes. To win the personality ones we will base them off rumors and what people think of you girls. They are
Most popular
And best Heartbreaker," Angelica said.

"I have had all these titles for awhile and the old seniors let me take over. Finally, if you get every title, you will have one last thing to do," Angelica said happily. Lucy clapped and everyone looked at her.

"The first test is most athletic. Girlies, get on your yoga clothes!" Lucy squealed.

Well that was interesting. Sitting at Angelica's table would be cool, because honestly, it gets kinda lame with Opal and Macy. Besides, what girl doesn't want to date the hot guys?!

I walked out, with athletic shorts on and a dry fit shirt. Others girls has similar clothes on. We all walked out to Angelica's professional track.

"Okay, we are gonna run a mile and then do core workouts. Ready..."

I braced myself into position. A mile should be easy as cake for me.

"Set.." I noticed other girls with determined looks on there faces.

"Go!" Angelica yelled. We all started running, and I was in the middle of the girls. Angel and Lucy were at the front.

"Two more laps to go," I whispered to myself. I was getting closer to the front and I started to pick up the pace.

I passed up a few girls, and slapped my feet into the ground faster than ever. I was in third, right behind Lucy on the last 100 meters. Lucy looked at me, and we both sprinted to the end. Lucy beat me by just a second.

"Good job Indie," Angel said. I gave her a high five and watched as girls ran in, tired and full of sweat.

"You guys did awesome! The next test is abs, so everyone get in a plank," Claire, a cheerleader, said. We all shuffled into one and they set the timer.

"It's a 2 Minute plank guys, you got this! Beat the girl in front of you!" Lucy yelled.

I started getting tired around a minute, and lots of girls were already dropped to the floor.

"Come on Indigo, you can do it," I said to myself. It was now just me, Angel, Lucy, and two cheerleaders.

I lost my energy and dropped to the floor, lasting 5th longest. Now it was Angel against Lucy, going past two minutes. Lucy finally dropped to the ground after awhile. Angel stood up, with a beaming smile.

"Ok that's all, let's go back inside," Angel shouted. We all ran in and got a bottle of water. I walked up to a room with a bunch of paintings in it, instead of going into Angel's room. I saw pictures of people and things Angel had drawn and took pictures of.I saw one picture of a girl I recognized. She looked familiar for some reason..

"That's Chase's sister Diana." A voice said. I turned around and saw a girl with black hair peering at me.

"How do you know her?" I asked her. She sighed and looked at me. "I used to be great friends with Chase, before he closed off. He was so nice, but then his sister Diana killed herself and he became whack," she muttered sadly.

"She killed herself? Why!" I asked. The girl looked at me. "Well, all they know is she was really liked at school, and one say they found her blood on the wall, written out to say, 'Never good enough'. She hung herself on the door by the writing.

"Oh god.. That's awful," I whisper. It makes sense why he was angry. His sister dead, and he couldn't even do anything. That must be the worst feeling ever.

"I'm Susan by the way,"  the black haired girl said, holding out her hand

"I'm indigo," I said, shaking her hand. She laughed, "I know, you were muttering while we were doing the test."

I cracked up in laughter and walked back into Angel's room. She had a big bowl of salad and plates and forks.

"Get some salad girls!" She said. We got some and started eating. The salad was pretty good, to be honest.

"What's the ranking for the athletic test?" A cheerleader asked. "Oh yeah, I'll read it," Angel said.

"Top five, fifth is Anne," Angel said. I believe Anne was one of the girls who beat me in planks. People praised and clapped for her.

"Fourth is.." Angel said pausing for dramatic effect. "Adeline." That was the other girl who beat me in planks. Everyone clapped.

"Third, is.. Indigo," Angel said. I smiled and received the claps and smiles.

"Second is my bestie, Lucy." Lucy got tons of claps and was praised.

"And first is me," Angel said. Everyone clapped for her, and we all smiled.

"Now, whose ready for a shopping trip?"

The girls all walked into a fancy shop, with tops,shorts,dresses,jewelry and shoes. I walked around looking at the clothes.

"That's cute!" I whispered,and picked up a flowy peasant top. I grabbed some white shorts, and knee high boots, along with some black pants and skirts.

"I'm paying for everything girls so get whatever you want!" Angel said. We all raided the store and I got a ton of clothes.

My mom and dad rarely took me shopping so I barely had any cute school clothes, just sweatpants and baggy shirts.

"Ok girls time to go home!" We all piled into three cars and drove back. So far this sleepover was everything I could dream of.

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