"You're taking the spontaneity out of it Fox!" he'd whined but she figured he was just jealous she could read in the car. Every time Dane had tried over the years he'd ended up throwing up out the window.

"Let's not over think this Fox, let's just enjoy our day," he'd sighed when she tried to explain the best angle for penetration or what they should do to prepare their bodies.

"I'm only trying to make it a more enjoyable experience!" she'd explained.

"Put the book down and just hang out with me, " he implored.

Eventually, she gave in and turned on the radio. They'd spent the rest of the trip singing at the top of their voices and mucking around and just being the friends they were. It was nice and what she needed but she wasn't going to tell Dane that, the smug git that he could be.

The town was bustling on a Saturday morning, people going everywhere but Sarah and Dane had been in no hurry and spent the morning wandering hand in hand, checking out different stores, buying wine, cheese, and other supplies for their evening. They'd enjoyed a nice long alfresco lunch at a little cafe just off the town square, talking excitedly about the next part of their break, Cambridge, their futures.

Sure they'd written to each other about these things but it was nice to have time to talk as they held hands across the table. And then they'd gone their own separate ways for an hour or so. Tom buying whatever it was he needed and Sarah finding the little lingerie shop, she'd visited with her aunt on a few occasions. 

Usually she'd just get bras and knickers but she'd wanted something special for tonight, something that would get her friend "in the mood" - she wished Jane was there or Petra but she couldn't really ring Jane and ask her what she should buy to make it easier for her brother to pop her cherry. She loved Jane like a sister but it wasn't really something you brought up, was it? So I'm going to fuck your brother tonight - what do you think will make him hard? Yeah, probably not and Petra would tell Neville. So she'd been on her own, though not entirely, the young shop assistant, an Irish girl called Anna had cottoned on pretty fast what and who was going down, remembering her from previous visits and trying to help her relax, promising they wouldn't tell her aunt. She and her co-worker had brought in several things - mainly white and virginal as they chatted on about their own first experiences. But they weren't right and neither was the red, despite her colouring and then as the pair asked her about the man in question, her eyes apparently sparkled green and suddenly they found the perfect outfit. It had hugged her curves and made her feel womanly and ready for this. 

Now outside the door to his room she just felt like a little girl playing dress-ups; back when she bought it, with the outfit in it's fancy box, she had felt empowered. In fact she was still smiling to herself, and refusing to show him what she'd bought, when they met up and for a romantic walk through the big local park before driving home. They picked up some food in the village two miles down the road and cooked up a big batch of Margaret's Hilditch's spaghetti bol - flirting and drinking wine and then eating and drinking wine and then........they'd cleaned up and he'd excused himself.

They'd decided earlier driving home that his room would be the place for the BIG moment.

It felt right, it was the place they'd become friends and they'd both promised that they'd still be friends after whatever it was they were doing happened or didn't happen tonight. Over the dinner and wine, they'd decided that if one of both of them thought they couldn't go through with it, then that was okay too. There would be no hard feelings. However, so far neither of them had backed out.

And now here they were.

She was standing outside his door wondering if she really could actually go through with this.

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