The Fourth Interlude

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The air was quite chilly on the first morning of the week. Kervin Street was very empty for seven in the morning. There have been break-ins happening all around the neighbourhood. There were also rumours of a pair being attacked and killed. No one went outside. Even if anyone had a job to go to, they took the week off. No one was outside except a little red headed girl and a boy, who looked like he just turned eighteen.

The girl had two braids on the sides of her head and wore a warm sweater and jeans. The boy also had ginger hair. It was styled into a crewcut and he wore a winter jacket and trackpants. They sat in the bin area hidden away from the neighbourhood. They were sitting still and only breathed the cold air in and exhaled a cloud of fog. The young girl was holding a few day old newspaper and reading it.
Suddenly, she froze looking at a page of the paper. She turned to the boy and looked at him in fear.

   "Mum and Fred were captured!" she said in shock.

   "What? Are you sure it's mum and Fred?" the boy nearly shouted.

   "Quite positive." the girl frowned and gave the paper to the boy. It had a picture of a grown woman and a young man in front of the Auror Office. Underneath was a caption TWO FOLLOWERS OF THE FFT CAPTURED!

   "So it is true..." the boy whispered to himself. A tear rolled down his cheek onto the article.

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