The First Interlude

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Three small children were playing tag on the playground. The air was still chilly, but somewhat warm for seven in the morning. When you breathed in, the air tickled you in the throat and it felt like you were eating ice cubes. When you breathed it out, it created a cloud of warm steam that slowly blended into the cold, see through air.

Laughter could be heard across the whole Kervin Street. On one balcony you could see a man sitting on a chair, drinking coffee out of a yellow mug. Through the first floor window, an old lady could be seen sleeping by any passerby. The echoing sound of laughter died down at the end of the small street where the cars sped through the streets to get to their destinations as fast as possible. It seemed like a race of who will be first to work. The cars sped by so fast, they looked like a colourful ribbon. It looked very different from the outside if the car than the outside looked from the inside of the cars. And then a piercing scream was heard. It flew through the chilly air, the traffic sounds, the windows, doors, floors, walls, cars, wood. Everybody could hear it. The scream that made your soul shake and your heart skip a beat. The scream that gives you goosebumps and makes you imagine the worst. It seemed like all the sounds stopped and the world froze for a second.

But no one came outside to look where the scream came from. Nobody looked out the window. Nobody turned their head or even though about what the person might be going through. The most someone did was shiver. These were hard times.

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