The Second Interlude

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The raindrops were pounding against the roofs of the houses in the small town. The moon was peeking from behind a black cloud and the were no starts visible. The street lamps were giving out a weak light onto the empty pavement. In someone's house, a clock stroke three times. The lamps started flickering until one by one, the lights disappeared and the only source of light was the full moon. It was quiet until light footsteps echoed through the street.

   "Shhh..." a woman's voice from the shadows whispered. "Walk quieter."

   "I'm trying!" another voice, this time a young man's, whispered back.

  "Well, try harder and shut up." the woman whispered again, this time from another corner of the street. More footsteps were heard.

   "Can't we just give up?" the young man quietly moaned from the same place as the woman.

   "No and shut up!" The woman quietly snapped back. "Now, follow me."

  "I can't see you. It's too dark." the man whispered and groaned.

It was quiet again. Everything was still. There was no wind or any voices until something broke the silence.

   "Shhh... Stop." the woman whispered again.
   "What?" the man quietly asked.

   "I hear something. Shush!"

She was right. There were some quiet footsteps coming from the park next to the street. They were very faint, but if you listened hard enough, you could hear it. They were getting closer to the place where the voices of the pair came from.

   "Ouch!" the man tripped over something and fell onto the hard pavement.

   "Stop where you are! Put your weapons on the ground." said a deep voice.

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