Chapter 6

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After a busy week at work with writing report cards I was relieved when Friday rolled around. As the last of the small kids piled out of the classroom with their backpacks strapped on, I smiled. Packing together my stuff didn't take long and soon I was cruising down the sunny roads of Brook Bay on my way home.

Angus and Julia Stone played on the radio and I sighed. All week thoughts of Ezra and Gabriel had been floating through my head on and off. I had caught myself daydreaming in the middle of my work day, completely missing what one of the kids had asked me. Distractedly I had answered with a yes, which led to a series of unfortunate events including glue and a lot of glitter.

Angry at myself I had decided to snap out of it and focus, powering through the remainder of the week hardheaded.

Eve had dropped by briefly on Wednesday to drop off take-away and had looked taken aback when she saw me.

"You look exhausted Marnie. Take it easy"

Now I had a long weekend ahead of me with Monday being a national holiday. It had grown considerably colder, the date marking early December. There hadn't been any signs of snow yet but the temperatures were nearing zero degrees.

I grinned, I loved the snow. It always seemed so clean and refreshing to me. And when the sun or the moon light fell on it, it twinkled almost magically.

My thoughts were interrupted by Eve who called me over the speaker phone. Hitting the accept button I greeted her,

"Hey Evie."

"We're going on a trip." she stated firmly.

I chuckled at her lack of greeting and the direct statement.

"Where to?" I flicked on the indicator and waited for the road to clear.

"To Will's holiday home in the forest. I've already packed your bags."

"Are you in my house?"

"Of course. Come pick me up please. Will is going directly there after work so he can't take me."

I grumbled at her but smiled. She had no problem letting herself into my house and packing my bag for the weekend - which she hand't informed me about prior to the phone call. Typical Eve.

"Sure. I'll be there in five."

"Great. I made tea for you." she said in time to the faint clicking of the boiling tea kettle.

"You're the best. See you soon."


"When did you guys plan this?" I asked Eve, slipping out my sunglasses and putting them on.

"On Wednesday. You looked so tired I thought it would do you good to get a way for a little."

I grinned, "You don't have to pamper me Eve."

"If I don't, who will? You certainly don't." she said defiantly looking out the window.

"That's not true!" I exclaimed shooting her a look.

"Is too."

I clicked my tongue at her and turned up the music.

An hour into our ride her phone buzzed and she smiled at the display.

"What's with the smile?"

"Oh nothing" she said off-handedly. Leaning her head back against the head-rest she sent me most innocent smile, which was of course loaded with mischief.


It took us three hours to get to Will's, but it was so worth it. The holiday house was largely constructed of light wood and glass, giving it a wonderful airy feel as we approached it. I loved being here surrounded by the forest. It gave you a sense of peace being away from the daily routines of life.

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