Chapter 11

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Kyungsoo pointedly ignored Sehun, grousing while he made his way to the fridge for some orange juice to drink right after waking up. Of course he was wobbly, he had a huge ass stomach in front of him that causes back pain and the occasional swollen feet. This kid would love soccer, he could tell already and he started walking around a lot with one or both hands on his side or lower back, trying to ease some of the discomfort he was feeling from the pressure. He started pulling out the litre bottle of juice and opened it while turning to Sehun. "I know you've been sleeping here for a few days but I'm only going to get bigger, so get use to it already."

Sehun had seen pregnant people before, but a pregnant Kyungsoo was a whole other level of beautiful and he couldn't help cataloguing every change in personality and physicality. "I doubt you'll get any bigger than this, you might burst."

He should take it as Sehun being playful, but he just wasn't in the mood because Sehun was the sole reason he was even going through this and he harbored a little resentment for the man's non problematic state. Why can't alphas develop the genetics to get pregnant so they can experience the same pain as an omega? Why was life so unfair?

Kyungsoo downed a few mouthfuls of juice before turning to his mate, heat already rolling off him, but he chose to ignore it, he was feeling very uncomfortable as of late. The baby would be due in three months and in another two he would be eligible for maternity leave. Besides, he figured he might be developing genophobia; a week with Sehun in his bed and they haven't had intercourse at all. Sehun hadn't offered and he hadn't asked because all they've had since the handjob was another handjob and a few blowjobs. It's not that he didn't want to, but whenever the opportunity came the fear coursed through his body and he'd shy away from the prospect of intercourse. Not only did Sehun fuck him up the ass, but he fucked him in the head too and he took his mounting problems all out on Sehun, laid them at his feet and wouldn't apologize for how he was. It was all Sehun's fault from the get go after all. None of his wiring were that faulty until he met the man.

"I'm doing the ultrasound this morning. I have an appointment with TaeSe at 7, are you still coming?" Kyungsoo asked while he took a bite from the cup of rice and mackerel laid on a plate on the counter, obviously for him.

Sehun nodded. "Told you I would, I cleared my schedule for the morning."

Kyungsoo took another bite of his food, not looking at Sehun when he asked, "Boy or girl?"

Sehun looked at him questioningly and Kyungsoo explained, "Do you have a preference?"

Sehun didn't really have to put any thought into it. He just wanted a healthy baby. "No. You?"

Kyungsoo shrugged while pushing his rice around with his chopsticks. He wanted a boy. "No, I don't have any preferences either."

Sehun knew from Kyungsoo's inflection that that answer wasn't so cut and dry. He wondered if he could get him to open up about whatever else was on his mind. "You sure?"

Hormone alert; anger rising due north and closing in in T-minus 4-3-2-1... The chopsticks clattered on the plate. "What the hell do you mean am I sure? I shouldn't even have to be thinking about this. So what if I want a boy, why do you care all of a sudden?"

Sehun had become used to Kyungsoo's mood swings, so while his lover sat there panting after his mini rant, he just took him by the arm and pulled him into his own lap, kissing him once on the lips, then a peck on the tip of his nose and another on his forehead before he nuzzled into his neck and held him close. "Don't get upset, I wasn't trying to cause an argument."

Kyungsoo deflated. Stupid hormones. He ran a hand up to Sehun's crown, pulling lightly on tufts of unkempt hair on the man's head. "Yeah, sorry. We should get ready for the ultrasound now. I'm gonna shower, then go to work after."

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