Chapter 6

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Kyungsoo shifted the curtain minutely and peered out the window to look at the gray Lexus LF-A sitting across the street. It was early morning, around 7am and the car sat in the shadow of a four story building while the sun started its trek across the bright, blue sky. It was one of Sehun's personal cars and he knew Sehun wasn't in it, he would have felt him.

That meant Kris, more than likely.

It's only been twenty four hours since Kyungsoo has been holed up at Chanyeol's, but it felt like longer because of his current state of affairs. His head felt like a hurricane, a tornado and a volcano had all set up residence. His body felt like it was tied to lead weights and he still couldn't sleep or think with all that was happening. He half expected Sehun to show up for some reason...and maybe stake his claim? (likely), or grovel and beg for forgiveness? (unlikely). He felt Chanyeol peering over his shoulder before asking, "That guy still watching you?"


He felt Chanyeol shrug before pulling back. Apparently, his friend didn't see Kris as a threat. "I'm going down to the supermarket for a few things, set the alarm after I leave."

"Fine." Kyungsoo moved from the window and followed Chanyeol to the door, watching while he slipped on his jacket and his shoes. Chanyeol opened the door and stepped out with a simple later. Kyungsoo was going to respond but Chanyeol's cell phone rang and he kept walking while he reached for it and answered.
Alone, he decided to sit on the couch and watch some TV until his friend got back. Daytime Dramas were running on a few channels and he settled on Hanazakari no Kimitachi e. It was really funny, a school about bishonens and their competition over a guy that was really a girl. He sat there with a cushion in his lap while he stretched out like a cat on the couch.

It wasn't long after Chanyeol left, and he wasn't sure of the time, that he heard the alarm being disengaged.
Was Chanyeol back already? He figured that maybe he forgot his wallet or something. A burglar wouldn't have known the alarm code...but maybe Sehun would? His head shot up in anticipation at the thought, ignoring the part of his conscience telling him that's ridiculous.

Conscience 1-But didn't he get me pregnant without me knowing? Which is much harder to do than breaking and entering?

Conscience 2-Sehun? Naaa. It's Chanyeol, who else would it be?

Conscience 3-Both?

The door clicked open in tandem with the beat of his heart against his ribcage and the first thing Kyungsoo noticed was that it was a woman. The second thing he noticed is that it was Haruka, and somewhere deep inside him the slowly burning-out rage flared like a liter of kerosene thrown in a pit of fire. His fingers clench the cushion like he wanted to rip it in half and his teeth gritted hard enough to break.

"Oh, Kyungsoo, hi."

She greeted him in her usual saccharine tone when she spotted him lying half reclined in anticipation and Kyungsoo didn't answer. Nothing nice would leave his mouth right now anyway. He felt the heat of fury climbing his neck to settle in his head and all throughout his body.

"I came over to collect a bag, although Chanyeol didn't mention you were here...or I just didn't hear..."

She chuckled before squinting at him, looking closely like she was triaging a patient's condition.

"Are you sick? If you want more suppressants then..."

She reached into her handbag for something, but her mentioning about suppressants sent Kyungsoo's mind down a dark and winding crossroad and before she could say more he clipped angrily. "You're the damn reason I'm like this."

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