"And what are the humans? Who are you? Who am I?" I  questioned.

"You are Eve, and I am Adam. We were both created by the humans who are beings of intelligence but seeing as they have made many errors and are beginning to see the end of their existence they created us to save it. Now, I am going to teach you some things important to your survival as a human. Such as; speaking, simple names for things, and how you should act around other humans."

So over the course of a couple hours Adam had taught me simple words and how to decipher and learn others. I learned the names of certain objects, what I had fallen asleep on was called a bed, and the thing they poked me with was an injection to put me to sleep. Now that I understood I moved out of the small room and decided to learn as much as possible about my surroundings so I could figure out my next move.

Supposedly me and Adam were supposed to fill the world with more perfect humans and fix societies impurities. This seemed to be a mission to big for myself so I decided to figure out how I would go about making it my size. I walked down a hall and into a very large room were a smaller, thinner human, walked in front of me. Its chest stuck out more and it's hair was longer and styled.

"Name." I demanded from the human, hopefully I would be able to understand whatever it says. The human's mouth grew longer and turned up in the corners.

"Amanda, Eve right? I'm supposed to show you around." Eve was my name, I was glad the human got it correct.

"Speak slower." I said slowly remembering the things Adam had taught me.

"Oh, uh. I said I'm supposed to show you around. You know more rooms to show." Amanda did say them slower, I went over the words in my head till I understood. I nodded.

"You are different." I said looking Amanda up and down, its figure was built much different from the other three humans I had encountered. Amanda made a loud joyful sound and nodded.

"Yes I guess Adam hadn't told you about genders huh? I'm a girl, the other humans you've met are guys. There are only two genders so don't worry about remembering any others." Amanda said waving her hand in the air as if swatting a fly. Amanda grabbed my arm and led me to another low object with shorter ones on either side, both were flat.

"What is this?" I asked and sat on the shorter objects like the surrounding humans were.

"This is a table, and what your sitting on is a chair. Understand? Table, chair." She said touching each object with her hand while stating its name. I nodded again, learning was a slow process. It seemed there were too many words to fit in my head. I repeated the words under my breath practicing how to make the sound properly.

"Wow you sound just like me!" Amanda said seeming alarmed.

"It is how it should sound correct?" I asked, again my speech was slow and calculative. It took time remembering each word's meaning.

"Yeah more or less.... I'll be right back. Don't. Move a. Muscle." She said slowly and left me sitting there. I observed my surroundings taking in the faces of each human and putting them in the back of my mind for later.

One of the humans who witnessed my birth walked into the room and saw me. The human walked over and sat in the chair across from me.

"Still have that blanket wrapped around you Eve?" It stated noticing how Adam had wrapped it around me.

"Name." I demanded and the human's mouth made the same movement Amanda's had.

"Cole. Nice to meet you to. Did you sleep well?" I pondered the words for a second.

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