they knew

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The next morning marvelous was in his room when kora barged in very happy. "What are you doing here kora?" He asked her she sat at the foot of his bed and poked him. "Why are you doing that he asked." She smiled and pulled him out of his bed. He was forced out of his room, he got to his char and sat down. "Marvelous let's go on a date today we can do anything you want." She said he agreed she made him spend the whole day with her. But non of his attion was on her all day, and she was upset about that. "Marvelous why are you not paying any attion to your girlfriend?" She asked but he did not answer. "Marvelous I'm craving a drink, how about we go to a bar?" She said marvelous followed her. The two were drinking , but after 2 kora stopped. Marvelous did not noticed and kept going, soon he was wasted and could not think straight. Kora could tell when he was drunk, and she planded this anyway. "Marvelous why do you not pay attention to me when I'm around, you act like I'm not there?" She asked him, his nose and cheeks were bright red." Kora I'll tell you truth, I don't like you. I never wanted to date you, the only thing I needed you for was to use for bait. In fact the whole crew knows that you are not really my girlfriend, they just think you are annoying now." He said his head hit the table. "Well if you don't like me why did you yes me as the bait and not one of your crew members who can fight?" She asked, he lifted his head. "Because if I had used her as bait I would be torcaring myself, for letting them go anywhere near her. I would have broken my promise to her." He said. "What promise?" She asked "I promised ahim I would not let her get hurt." He said kora looked at him. "Did you just say ahim?" She said she knew ahim had something to do with this. "Yep I made that promise to Ahim de famil , she is the love of my life. But I lost her because of my own stupidity, if I would have just listen to her non of this would be happening and she would still love me too. After that conversations kora went to have a meeting with someone. "Yeah its not me but I can help you I know who it really is now and I want her gone." Kora said in front of kora sat wars gill the leader of the zangyack, he smiled at kora. "My dear girl we already knew captain marvelous did not like you that is why we never did come after you,but we also could tell he was head over heels in love with that pink princess from famil. Sadly we have not been able to track her down yet, so I'll give you a chance. If you can get ahim in one place for us we will let you get the revenge you want." Wars said holding his hand out to kora for her to shake, she smiled a shook his hand she would soon make both of them pay for her humiliation.

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