Chapter 4

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It's been a while since the secret couples have been together and they are very happy together. They all knew each other well already but when the couples got together they learned about each other even more. The couples still hid their relationships but in private they were affection with each other. Ahim and Marvelous have moved a bit closer after Marvelous gave her a gift. It happened one day when they were alone on the ship and had no idea where everyone else was. Ahim was in her room and Marvelous was in the living room. She was tired of being in her room so she came out and saw Marvelous sleeping in his chair as always. Unlike normal though he seemed to be having a bad dream and she was worried. She kneeled down by him and shook his arm to wake him up and it took a second but he finally awoke and saw her. He took a deep relieved breath and looked around to see the others were not around. She looked at him with pure and worried eyes about him. "Where is everyone," he asked. "They left out while you were sleeping." She said simply and he nodded understanding but now that he knew that he pulled her to stand then sat her on his lap. She was shy when he first started to do that but she got used to it. He held her up with his arms wrapped around her waist and rested his head on her head and shoulder with his face barred in her neck. "Marvelous are you alright?" She asked stroking his black hair soothingly. " I'm fine now." He said into her neck and the air of his breath give her a slight chill and tickle where it hit. " were you having a bad dream?" She asked and he nodded his head. " what was it about?" She asked moving to see his face. " I'm not fully sure of everything but you were leaving me and I couldn't stop you. I don't know what I did that made you leave me and that's why it was worse because I couldn't stop it." He said using one of his hands to stork her round cheeks. When he wanted to be he could be very romantic and when he was like this she got very shy. One of her hands covered the hand he had rested on her face, she closed her eyes and leaned into his gentle touch. "I'm sorry you suffered such a horrible dream. I wish there was something I could do to help. " She said feeling warmth all around her from her being with him. " maybe there is." He said making her open her eyes with curiosity. "I am never gonna be able to be like the men you could have had back on Famille but I want to be with you for however long I can. I don't know much about this kind of stuff but you told me, to be honest with you about what I feel. So, even if we don't know what will happen in the future I want to stay by your side and I want you to be by mine." He said and his loving words were all she could ever ask for. "I never wanted any of the men on my home planet not because they were bad but because I never liked with anyone the way I have you. I don't care that you are a pirate and not a prince of Famille. I am happy being with someone who makes me happy and I make them happy. My mother told me years ago when I was to start looking at men that when I do find the one there will always be obstacles. If you really love that person you will get around them but if you can not it's not meant to be. I will do everything in my power to stay by your side. Even if we don't end up together." She said having to be realistic that not everything is as permanent as some may want. Marvelous smiled and rest his for head-on the side of her face and kissed her cheek. When Marvelous was like this she liked it the most because he would shower her with his love and affection. He looked down for a second and noticed something. "Hold on." He said patting her leg to get up for a moment. She did as he asked and ran upstairs to his room and a moment later he came back down, sat in his chair and gently pulled Ahim back into his lap. "I want to give you something to seal our deal. Close your eyes." He said with a smile as she did as he said with a smile. Her smile was very cute and showed her snaggletooth. He took her left hand and placed a ring on her ring finger. "Okay, you can look now." He said and he knew she knew it was a ring but the ring itself was very important to him. " marvelous this is your precious Ruby ring how can I take this from you?" She asked because he didn't normally do anything without it. " take it happily because I'm giving it to you." He said whispering the last part of her ear. " I can't you love this ring." She said about to give it back but he stopped her. " your right I do but not as much as I do you. This is a gift of my commitment to you and only you." He said resting his forehead on hers. " marvelous are you telling me you love me?" She asked and he without hesitation nodded his head. " alright ill take it but what do I hive you in return?" She asked admiring the beautiful ring. " in return I want you to love me more than anyone or thing else." He said kissing her cheek. " you have to pick something else." She said and he looked at her shocked. " eh why?" He asked feeling she has someone more important to her. " because I already do that." She said and his smile came back. " okay well then I will think about it and let you know later." He said and she nodded. He then pulled out another ring and places it on his own finger. " this will be our couple ring from now on." He said and I smiled looking at the not matching ruby rings.

" He said and I smiled looking at the not matching ruby rings

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Later that day everyone had made their way back and the two's alone time was up

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Later that day everyone had made their way back and the two's alone time was up. Everything was normal but Joe noticed Ahim wearing the ring and instead of asking her and causing a fuss he asked marvelous directly. He got the simple answer he didn't want it anymore and gave it to her. Jie just lets it be and went on like it was nothing.

I can't lose you [ Editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu