Chapter 6

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( 2 weeks later )
Every one but Marvelous was on the ship doing what they normally do when the computer went off. It was a warning signal something in the engine room was damaged. Doc told Luka to go get some things they needed and told Joe to help him with a pipe, and he told Ahim to finish making breakfast.
( 1 hour later )
Marvelous walked in with a girl, he saw ahim walk out of the kitchen with the tray table full of food. " Ahim were is everyone? " He asked. " They have gone to the engine room." Ahim said. " why ?" he asked. " a pipe is damaged so they went to go fix it." She said. " why didn't you go help?" He asked. " I was ordered by Luka to finish making breakfast, and not come down because it's dangerous, " she said placing all the food on the table. "Hello," Ahim said to the girl behind Marvelous. " Oh right Ahim this is Korra, Korra this is Ahim." He said. Ahim bowed and said hello once again. Just then Joe, Luka, Don, and Gai walked in. " Hi, "they said till they saw Korra "Hello," they said to her. "Everyone this is Korra," Marvelous said. " Okay, why is she here?" Luka said. "Because she was invited." "Okay, why did you invite her? " Luka asked. " Luka there is no need to be rude. Korra take a seat. " Ahim said with a smile. Korra took a seat while everyone stood there watching. "She is my girlfriend." Marvelous says before he took a seat next to her but not too close. "Eh!" Everyone but Ahim shouted. "Girlfriend? But that's against the rules." Doc points out the rules. "I thought you loved Ahim?" Gai says making everyone look at him. Marvelous looked the deadliest. "Eh, that's impossible. Why would he be in love with me?" Ahim said? "Remember what I told you, you were overreacting from that day. There is nothing going on between Ahim and me." The words hurt both the lovers but they didn't show. "So, does this mean your rule against dating is over with?" Luka asked with what sounded like a hopeful voice. "Why do you think that?" Marvelous says confusing everyone. "You have a girlfriend and your part of the crew so you embellished the rule," Luka says. "No why get an earth lover when we will leave eventually and no dating among the crew because it can affect teamwork." Marvelous. "Then what is she?" Joe asked pointing to his quote-unquote girlfriend next to him. "Everyone can we please take a seat and eat now. We don't want to make Ms. Korra uncomfortable." Ahim says making everyone sit down. "Marvelous, don't you think this is unfair? I mean yes you're the captain but it is not right that you are exempted for rules everyone agreed with." Doc says. "I have my own reasons, now drop it." He says making everyone silent for a while. Tired of the silents Ahim took over the table. "So Korra tell us about yourself." The annoyed groan of everyone including Marvelous didn't go unnoticed. "Well compared to you all I'm sure my life is a boar. Why don't you all tell me about you? What do you do other than save the world? Or what did you do before you came to earth?" No one really said anything and the silence was awkward. Ahim again took the lead. "Let's just say we are all from very broad backgrounds." Korra nodded her head just accepting that. The rest of the time with Korra was just like that awkward and tense amongst everyone. Ahim, of course, was the light of the room as always.

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