come back for us

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Everything was calm no one was fighting, well luka would side eye  marvelous often. Ahim was home watching TV, she was confused about the show. "So why can't she marry him?" Ahim asked yuki was there too. "Well his family is poor, so she wants to marry up not down." He said. "But I thought she loved him?" She asked her phone rang. "Hello?, hi doc, I'm fine trying to figer out this old drama. Its about a man who falls in love with a rich woman, but gets rejected because he's poor. That sounds bad, I hope you all are okay, where is you know who? Where? Why? Okay how about I come over there? Okay I'll go there take care of you all then leave before he comes back." She hung up the phone and stopped the show. "Yuki I have to go but I'll be back later, see you." She kicked him out and got her stuff and left. (Goki Gallion)
"You all must have had a hard time?" She said she was helping joe with his bandige. She had soup boiling for them, there was not much she could do she was no longer one of them. "We are fine, it would be better if you would come back so we can be stronger." Doc said rolling his arm up with bandage. "You all will do fine without me, there are a lot of teams with one strong girl keeping everyone up." She said looking at luka who was eating. "Yeah but she was just as dumb and stubborn as the rest of them. Luka said." You are not dumb, but you are stubborn. And those lady's still make it work with what they are given." Ahim said she finished joe and made him eat. "That is not the point, you are not just a member you are the heart of our team . if your not hear who will keep us from acting on our desire to beat someone who made us mad." Luka said. "Well you all need to work on your anger and save that for the aliens. Now I have to go before he gets back, bye take care of yourselfs call me if you need me. Ahim was walking out when they heard footsteps. Doc ran ahead of ahim and sign it was marvelous, joe and luka had to hide ahim quick they hid her in the closet. Marvelous walked in and saw the 3 all patched up and soup on the table. "Who made soup?" He asked looking at the 3. "I did I wanted to help us all feel better!" Don said smiling. "Oh who fixed you all up, I thought non of you knew how to do it?" He asked. "I did ahim taught me before she left, and im good at it." Luka said. "You know we should all get some rest if we are going to rebuild our stranth" joe said he pushed marvelous to the hall way, while he did that luka and don got ahim off the ship. Ahim was going home, joe put marvelous in his room. But marvelous looked out the window and saw ahim running away from the ship. He came out of his room and ran past but doc got in his way, he pushed doc down and kept going till he got outside. Ahim was almost out of sight, but he saw her and called her name. No matter how loud he was or how Manny times he called her, she did not look back.

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