Chapter 1

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So this is my first story guys and I would really love it if you would vote and comment, please! I just want to know how I am doing and would really appreciate it.            








        A cold breeze swept over Aislyn and a shiver ran down her spin. There wasn’t anything she could do at the moment but she still walked around and asked if she could do anything to help. Everyone said no but thanked her for asking.

                “Aislyn, why do you insist on taking on everyone’s responsibilities? You are going to wear yourself out, honey.” Aislyn’s father came to stand beside her and watched all the kids run around, and delay getting ready for school that morning.

                Aislyn didn’t turn to her father when she responded. “Because one day they will be my responsibility and I would like to take any of the weight off their shoulders that isn’t needed.”

                Her father sighed and turned to look at her. “Look at me when I say this, Aislyn,” Aislyn turned to her father and could feel the power coming from him. His eyes were baby blue and very pretty when the sun hit them just right. They contrasted with his dark black hair. “When the time comes, you will be ready, but you will only be able to rule successfully if you have your one true mate. There are plenty of young men here who would love to be your mate. Yet, you turn them down left and right. Why?”

                Her father’s eyes were kind looking but she knew better. Her father could look oh so very kind, but if you threatened his family or the pack, or even just rubbed him the wrong way, then you had better run and hide while you still had the chance. But at the moment her father wanted to know why she didn’t choose any of the sexually driven young men in the pack?

                “Because I haven’t connected with any of them. I want to feel swept off my feet when I meet my mate for the first time. I have been around those guys all my life. I want to feel like my mate has stolen my heart and the air from my very lungs. Like he has given me a new reason to keep living just by being at his side. I want to feel like you and mom did. I want true love. Not love that has been forced.”

                “What will you do if you do not find him my dear?” Father’s yes were sad now. Thinking of mom has always brought up sad memories for the both of us.

                I’ll do what mom did before she found you. I will run my pack by myself until I find my mate. I know he is near, father. I can feel him.”

                With that said my father kissed my cheek and turned around and left me to my thoughts. I thought about mom and how much I missed her when she left us.

                Mom was cooking lunch for me when she suddenly jerked her head to a loud noise. I was only ten years old but I somehow knew that something wasn’t right anymore. Mom picked me up from the spot on the floor where I was playing with my toys and ran upstairs with me in her arms. Father was gone on business and a bunch of his best warriors were with him, leaving all the women and children vulnerable to an attack that erupted out of nowhere.

                Mom put me in a room, locked the door, and went outside to help save the women and children. It seemed like an hour passed by but I know it was only minutes, when it finally went silent. I remember looking at the alarm clock by the bed before mom left and was sure that only a few minutes had passed. I heard a loud crash downstairs and sucked in a deep breath. If they were “special”, then they would be able to hear me moving around if I dared to try. I let the breath I had been holding out and crawled to the closet. I opened the doors and quickly shut them once I was in, and brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.  My body was shaking with fear as another couple of crashes sounded closer to the bedroom door. I heard the bedroom door open and heard the bed creak under the weight that was now on it.

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