"And finally, the princess turns around to see her knight in shining armor, whom she had been looking for." I hear a boy chuckle.

    I spin around to see Sebastian Peters' chest. My gaze falls on his pale green eyes. They light up in a way I've never seen before.

    His brown hair is as messy as usual, however his grey tux makes him look very serious and gentleman like.

    His lips immediately curl up into a large smile. "You look great,"

    "Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Peters." I smile.

    He reaches for my hand. He links his fingers in mine and begins to lead me out of the gym. "Come on, I want to show you something!"

    "Seb, wait! Slow down!" I say as we begin to run through the halls. "I'm with Lucas, I can't just leave him!" I sigh.

    He stops running and turns his head. "Come on, it'll be really quick. You'll love it!" He shines an assuring smile.

    I shake my head. "Okay, okay, fine. Only five minutes though!"

His smile widens at my answer. We reach the end of the hall and begin up the stairwell. We finally reach the third floor, and I am now out of breath.

I choke on air as we continue to run through the hall. Sebastian begins to slow down. I loose all of my energy and drop my head. I let my arms sway, breathing heavily.

"H-ere it is!" His breathing is as choppy as mine.

I raise my head to see the schools elevator in front of me. It is barely used. The only people who really use it is Mr. Raffine, our janitor, and kids in wheelchairs.

Sebastian smirks, dangling a set of keys in his hand.

I shake my head. "Did you steel those?"

"No! I temporarily borrowed them. Mr. R owes me one anyway." He shrugs, tossing the keys in the air.

"Isn't this considered trespassing?!" I ask, leaning on one hip.

"Not sure, but who's gonna catch us?" He inserts the key, and presses the arrow facing up.

"I should've just stayed in the gym," I roll my eyes.

He ignores my comment, and pulls my hand. We stumble into the elevator, a loud laugh escaping Seb's lips. The doors close, leaving us in an enclosed space. The walls are a dark grey, however the lights are bright.

I tap my foot, waiting for the doors to open once again.

I feel the movement stop beneath my feet. The elevator doors slowly open, revealing a beautiful sight. I step out of the elevator in awe. A rooftop garden.

There were small walls guarding the side of the roof. The floor, walls and small seats were made out of concrete. The rest was dirt, rocks, flowers and plants. A few trees sat in one corner, swaying softly in the light breeze.

"Wow," I smile at the beautiful view.

"Amazing, isn't it? I found this place near the middle of grade nine. The environmental club put it together," His smile is filled with joy.

Saving Sebastianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें