Chapter 27: Shifting Mount Everest and Throwing A Tea Party In Venus

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"So tell me, how are you planning to shift Mount Everest and throw a tea party in venus?"

"I got plans"

~Ria's POV~

I narrowed my eyes skeptically at the smokin' hot guy in front of me. "Are you going to torture him into telling that he is hopelessly in love with me?" I asked, raising one of my perfectly plucked eyebrows at him. He barked a laugh before throwing a careless glance at Adam who was, due to pure coincidence, sneaking glances at us.

"As much as that idea sound appealing, no, I don't plan on getting myself jailed." Aaron replied and I nodded my head understandingly before muttering, "Then your time and breath is going to get wasted, Aaron" In the corner of my eyes I saw him smirk. 

"How about you an' I do a bet, gorgeous?" He sipped his martini while gauging my reaction. I smirked.


"Like if I manage to get Adam to tell that he is interested in you, I get a coffee date with you, Cartoon Baby." He smoothly said and I rose my eyebrows at his new endearment for me.

"That's a deal, playboy" I smirked wider and sipped my wine before continuing, "But if you lose, I get to see your..your.." I stammered, wacking my alcoholic brain to find a word for that organ in your face with which we can see. What do call it? 

While I was busy thinking, Aaron smirked smugly at me, his arrogant-playboy self revealing. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Aren't we trying to get you a boyfriend here? And you still want to see mine?" He asked huskily and I crinkled my nose at this. Why is he getting all worked up to show me..what do you call it? Yes, Eye! An eye! But accessing his way of speaking, I figured that he  probably meant his other organ. I mentally cringed. 

"You know, I don't mind if you want to do something more than just watch" He flirted openly with a suggestative wink. 

"Sure Aaron, I would love to see your eyes and run a few scans on it" I countered, trying to hold back laughter.

"Infact all the women I meet wants to see my--what?!

"Eyes?" I asked, putting an innocent smile and batting my eyelash for an effect.

"My eyes?" He asked confusedly.

"You have heterochromia, don't you? Silver-blue, awesome. I am a genetic engineer, you see" I smirked and he gave a goarn.

"Don't tell me Adam told you about that" He whined as if in pain.

"Don't you worry, your secret is safe with me" I said, pretending to zip my lips. I heard him grumble something along the lines of, 'this is my a love-sick Adam isn't nice'. I ignored that and skipped to the important bit. 

"So Aaron..what is you plan?" I asked, biting my lips in nervousness. 

He stopped sulking like a spoilt kid and that trademark smirk of his made its way back to his lips. He slowly kept his martini away and leaned in. I nearly pulled back on the intrusion of my personal space but something told me to hold my ground, which I did. Aaron's cologne hit my nostrils, his unique sent of dark spices engulfing me as his swoon-worthy face came just inches away from mine. Momentarily I was dazed at his glassed eye.  He smirked trimphantly as he took his sweet time tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ears, trailing his long fingers on my jaw till my chin. And when he leaned in and said that one word in my ear, I was positive I gulped.

"Jealousy..." He purred.

When he pulled back I knew I was staring at him like a dumb kid who got lost in a carnival. "I-I am having a bad feeling about this" I murmmured and his smirk widened as if to say 'I got it'.

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