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Hey what's up you guys!!

you know that i love you but i am really sad to  give you this sad, sad news that i am thinking of tiding this story over march. I am really sorry guys but my school is really lagging behind and the monstorous exam is on my heel. yikes!

But that doesnt mean i will not be updading at all, no. I will be updating but to warn you, the story will be a tad bit elongated till March begining when my school gets over. Like really be over! Anyways, enjoy your holidays and dont hesitate to hint your secret santa how much you wanted that bracelet for sale! *wink*

BUT! Now that i just delievered a sad news that Adam and Ria will have to wait, I  am launching a new story!!!! YAY!!!! Wanna teaser before it is actully posted by March? You guys are my blueberry muffins  in, HERE IT IS!!!

The Suicide Mission

In a secret governmental organisation where soldiers are trained to go on suicide missions for the country, Jennifer Hayes was always on top of the chart. With her physical aand mental capabilities, she was assigned to an important suicide mission. Time Travelling.

When Time Travelling to the past didn't kill her, there was one thing that did. An outrageously hot and ridiculously handsome army general of a historic kingdom somewhere around the present day Italy, Thimbud. And when she was appointed as the deputy general under him, their pure hatred for each other turned into something more carnal and sparks starts to fly. But soon their affair hits aa rough road as a feud was declared and Jennifer's return to her original time period seemed inevitable.

Will the two lovers from two different time period come together...or fall apart in the tatters of war and time?


Excited? Well, the story will offically be posted on my wall by March. And guys, how did you like Ria and Adam's new story name? The previous name had always never satisfied me and this new one seems like it. And i would like to thank my bestie, Arnica for this wonderful cover. 

And guys soon it will be tim to cheer on for Jenny and the hot-hunky army general, Thimbud! Jenny and Thimbud will be out before you know it and i have already started drafted it!

So until then my blueberry muffins and chocolate waffles (mind you, they are my bae),

your history-digging author,


P.S-- the picture is for Jenny and Thimbud! Gotta love Italy and Pasta!

What He Wanted (Book#1 of The Runaway Club)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن