Heart skipped a beat

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*Emilys P.O.V*
I grab my phone and call for an ambulance not knowing what to do I kneel down next to her and begin to cry with my dad stood behind me looking shocked
The ambulance came and she began to come round she was alive
I breathed a sigh of relief but I knew that she was not out of the woods yet
She was Laying in a pool of blood and I could quite clearly see she had broken bones.
They carried her away on a stretcher and into the ambulance I asked if I could go with her which they let me I didn't even have shoes on but I didn't have time I just got in the ambulance and off we went, it must be serious I thought because we were speeding along with the blue lights on
When we got to the hospital I was not allowed to stay with her and was taken by one of the nurses to the waiting area
Where I sat anxiously waiting not knowing what to do with myself .

Shortly after I saw her dad walk in he was all in a daze and couldn't believe what had happened he saw me and came and sat next to me, he had no words he just sat and broke down next to me(we knew each other so we got on quite well) I felt quite awkward because I had never seen him cry before or even angry, her mum didn't come because she had gone to London to visit her mother and she didn't know yet we didn't want to worry her too much.

Finally after about  3 hours of us both say there anxiously a nurse came out and sat down next to us "Sam will be fine but she is going to need to stay off school for at least 12 weeks she has broken ribs, a shattered knee cap and a mild concussion from where she was knocked out so long" I thought to myself she can't miss so long of school she has her GCSEs soon, she's a smart girl she can still do it I believe in her

We went into her room to see her and the sight I was greeted with was not pretty she had cuts all over her face with stitches her knee was wrapped up ready for an operation the next day she had bruising all over her stomach she had cuts all over her dad was shocked as we walked in closely together
We each took a side of her bed, as soon as she saw us both she smiled and said "how does my hair look" me and her dad began to laugh we knew that she was still Sam.

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