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The day had finally come
Monday the 4th of September, the day I have been dreading for the past 6 weeks. The first day back at school

My alarm is due to go off at 7:30am
But as per usual I am woken up to the sound of my parents arguing again I grabbed my phone to see it was only 7:15 so I put my pillow over my head and went back to sleep to enjoy my last 15 minutes of sleep.
My mum on the other hand had other ideas, she came bursting in 5 minutes later

" Sam come and stick up for me your father is blaming everything on me again" she said it in that voice that I knew she wasn't actually upset she was just trying to make me feel sorry for her (they have been like this for years since before I was born, they are not married anymore he lives here for the sake of me and my older brother)
"Mum, why do you always have to drag me into your arguments what has it got to do with me"
She soon realised that I was not going to help her win the argument and huffed and left leaving the door wide open.
I grabbed my phone again checking the time 7:26 "So much for my extra 15 minutes of sleep"

I dragged myself out of bed letting out a moan as I stretched, I sat on the edge of my bed for a minute before dragging myself to the bathroom (not going to go into detail pretty sure you all know what happens in the bathroom in the morning)
I got dressed got my school bag,took my lunch out of the fridge and said goodbye to my mum on the way to school.

The walk to school was only about 5 minutes and it is only 8:20 so I had plenty of time, I reached into my blazer and pulled out my cigarette packet and struggled to light one in the wind
I continued to walk slowly to school while smoking my cigarette.
As I approached the gates to my school I dropped my cigarette butt on the floor, spat a bit and thought to myself
One more year and you will be done with this place
I started to walk to my dorm room on the way seeing people I hate on the way knowing they are all staring and quietly judging me, either that or it's just my anxiety talking as per usual
My school day went on consisting of Maths,History,Child Development,English and science
I sat throughout the day preying that 3pm would come faster

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story guys I will try and update as much as I can if you like this please leave a comment and if there is anything specific you want to see also feel free to leave a comment

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