Phil Pov:

17 0 2

I lay awake in my bed as darkness surrounds me nothing to hear but my own heart beating, thump thump thump. Suddenly that changes as I hear a faint dripping noise from down the hall. I get up and walk down the hall as the noise gets closer my heart beating faster thumpthumpthump . I turn into the room with the source, the bathroom. I reach for the light switch, my hands shaking. I flip the switch and hold my breath to find the source, a dripping faucet. I exhale, 'Jesus Phil' I think to myself 'what could that have been?' I ask myself disappointed with my fear. I look in the mirror above the sink. My bright blue eyes stare back at me. I run my fingers through my straight jet black hair. I turn the faucet on as I take out my lip and septum piercings and set them on the counter beside me. I cup cold water between my hands and splash it on my face and I reach for a towel. I dry my face and look back up into the mirror. There's a face staring back at me but it's not my own. He has chocolate brown hair and deep beautiful brown eyes, he's tanner than me but not by much. He radiates warmth like the sun that could drive away and darkness. My eyes are drawn to a small tattoo on his neck, I can't quite make out what it is "Who are y-" I jolt up.
I lay in my bed. It was all just a dream. I run my shaky hands through my hair and look at the alarm clock next to me it read 4:37. "Shit" I muttered to myself "PJ and Chris are gonna be here soon, how the hell did I sleep in this late" I jumped out of bed and went to the shower the warm water ran down may back across my tattoos. I quickly washed my hair and body and jumped out of the shower and put a towel around my waist. I brushed my teeth as I did I looked in the mirror my dream popping back into mind. 'Who was that guy' I thought to myself 'why was he in my dream' I pondered. I shook myself out of my daze and brushed my hair then went in my room to change. I slipped my muse t-shirt on and my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and dark red converse. I walked out of my room into the kitchen to eat lunch when I heard a horn honk. "Lunch will have to wait" I muttered as I ran to PJ's car and jumped in the back seat. Chris had the music blasting and he shouted "ARE YOU READY FOR TWENTY ONE PILOTS PHIL" "YOU KNOW IT CHRIS" I yelled back and off we went.

Authors note: the picture for this chapter are Phil's Tattoos! Thanks for reading comment/vote if you like it I'm doing it for this games on Instagram but it'd be cool if you liked it!

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