Christine's silly, smiley and small short stories

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1.      Starting as I mean to go on.

Sometimes, I swear that when I look at the sea, at the horizon, I can tell the world is round. I know this is ridiculous, because if I could really see a curve, surely the world would be tiny. But perhaps that’s just me. I like to think I’m not the dot in the world, not just a fish in the sea, or even a cloud in the sky. I like to think I’m special, I’m unique. I’m going to change the world. I’m going to make a difference. Nobody can change who I am. Maybe that’s why I see the curve where the sea meets the starry night. It makes the entire world seem smaller in my head, therefore making my impact on it bigger. I believe in myself. I believe in the volume of the world being on my side. How am I going to do it? I don’t know, but I’m going to keep writing, keep hoping, and keep dreaming. Maybe someday I’ll get there. But for now I'm going to keep looking at the horizon.

Vote if you hold the same view, if you see what I see. :)


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