Part 3-The Return

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"You psycho bitch!" cried Emery. She gave Melina a friendly hit on the shoulder. "You had us worried sick!"
Although Emery's tone of voice exuded anger, she was actually quite relieved and grateful that Melina had returned to school in one piece.
It was lunchtime. The circle of friends were stationed at "their" spot in the courtyard.
"What the hell made you think you could run off like that and leave us alone for a week without responding to any of our texts or calls!?" Sid exclaimed.
"Guys... come on, it wasn't that big of a deal," said Melina.
"Yeah it was!" Sid and Emery bellowed in unison.
"Well, I'm sorry."
"Whatever, Mel. I'm just glad you're alive," said Emery.
The bell sounded, indicating that the lunch period was over. Sid, Emery and Melina started to their next classes, when Emery stopped Melina at the school's entrance. "Hey, uh, Mel," started Emery, "can we hang after school? I gotta be somewhere for a bit after the bell rings, but just stick around until I come, alright? I really wanna talk to you. Meet me at my locker. It's important."
Before Melina could respond, Emery concluded with a subtle "Bye" and a gentle touch of the arm, and fled through the entrance doors.

Fast forward three and a half hours. A sluggish Melina, tediously lugging around her heavy backpack, as well as her bass saxophone and a poster for a presentation she had done earlier, finally made it to Emery's locker. Each student's family name determined which locker they would possess. Essentially, their lockers were placed in alphabetical order. Melina's family name was "Grand", and Emery's was "Wilkins". So... their lockers were basically in complete opposite extremities of the building, which made the voyage that much more fun for Melina.

Since it was after school hours, all the lights were switched off. Melina tried squinting to peer through the obscurity. She had never really remained in the building after hours, because she knew it wasn't allowed. "Hey, Mel," spoke a voice. Melina almost jumped out of her skin. Relief rushed through her body when Emery's silhouette emerged from the darkness. She could recognize Emery's facial structure, and certain of her features like her wide-set eyes and long eyelashes. Melina's shoulders slumped back a little. Melina couldn't help but think, "She's so damn pretty in this lighting".
"Whoa, someone's a bit jumpy," remarked Emery.
"Yeah, sorry. Whatcha want? I got places to be."
"Do you?" Emery said, almost flirtatiously. Melina gulped. She had a feeling as to what this conversation would lead to.
"Dude, just get on with it."

Emery's expression changed almost immediately.
"Let's sit down."
They sat down.
"Okay, so, uh..."
Emery had never been one to hesitate with what she wanted to say, let alone stutter. Melina knew that whatever this was, it was serious.
"Mel... you remember last week, right? During the game of truth or dare?"
How could I forget, she thought.
"Yeah..." she replied shakingly.
"How do you honestly feel about those kisses? Be honest with me, Mel."
"I dunno... it's cuz... my family... they're not supportive... of that stuff. They're like... like..."
"Homophobes?" Emery questioned.
"Yeah... homophobes. That's the word. Homophobes. They... don't like that stuff. They're against... girls kissing girls and guys kissing guys."
Emery looked heartbroken. She looked devastated. Shattered into a million pieces.
Emery's sulkiness and sorrow quickly turned into frustration and fury. "You know what? Forget it. Forget I ever said anything. Forget I ever brought you here. Forget it all."
Just as Emery stood up to leave, Melina gingerly grabbed ahold of her arm.
"Emy, wait. Please don't go. Tell me what you wanted to tell me. Say what you wanted to say. Please."
Honestly, Melina wasn't really expecting Emery to stay. She was never one to give in, she would always hold her own. Whereas Melina was practically a perfect opposite.

To Melina's great surprise, Emery sighed, and sat back down. She continued on as if there was no impediment to their conversation whatsoever.
"You only told me what your family would think of the kisses. I asked what you would think. So tell me the truth."
Melina really needed to think about this one. This question had never really come up before. She had never had an opinion on two girls kissing. Or maybe she did, but it was so masked by her family's point of view that she felt as though she didn't have one. Or that she didn't deserve to have one.

It was Melina's turn to sigh. The sigh was staggered by the quivering of her bottom lip.
"Okay," she started, "you want the truth? I'll give you the truth. I'll give you the truth in its entirety.
I'm... I support gays..."
Melina clasped her hand on her mouth as soon as those words were uttered.
"Oh no," she cried. Tears welled up in her big, brown eyes.
What have I done, she thought to herself.
"Why are you holding back? Why are you resisting? There's so much more you have to say, Mel. I can see it in you. Continue," urged Emery.
"...and, here's more truth for you to digest. I... enjoyed the kisses. I liked them. I liked the feel of your lips on mine. How could my religion possibly ban the pleasure of a feeling? Because that's what I retained from that moment. A feeling. A good feeling. During that time, it was all too much for me to absorb. But once I ran away, and I actually had time to recuperate myself, I realized the reasoning behind my running away. It was really spontaneous, like an instinct almost. I felt that was the best way to cope with this... unbearable situation psychologically.
What I'm trying to say to you, Emy, is that I hold nothing against you. I never did, I never will. In that moment, I know it seemed like it, but the kisses weren't the causes of my running away. It was the spark of emotion I felt inside. The awakening of a new dimension within me."

Emery's vivid green eyes (emerald-coloured, if you will) widened in glee as Melina continued on with her speech.
"And... and... I'm not gonna be cliché and say I'm a changed person, because really I'm not. I'm the same Melina, and you're the same Emery. We just shared a valuable moment. It's really that simple.
I don't know how you feel about this, Emy, but I know for a fact that I felt different after the kisses. At first I had thought they had impacted me negatively, but then, after a few days of reflexion, I realized that they had had a positive effect on me. I like you, Emy, I always have in one way or another. I had performed a homosexual act, and now what? Am I just gonna dwell on it for the rest of my life? No! I'm gonna go on with my life, but those kisses will forever linger in my heart in a positive respect, no matter what my parents, my friends, my classmates or anyone says. Ultimately, it's my life, so why should I give a fuck what people think of me?"

Emery was left speechless. Somehow she looked as if she was about to cry. A happy cry, probably.
"Wow. That's... incredible. What you just said. But... you said... you like me? Is that true?"
Melina, now smiling (and sweating), gave a slight nod of the head.
"You do? How is that even possible?"
"Anything's possible, Emy."

Alright! Part 3 is DONE! Part 4 will be in Emery's perspective, to change things up a little. I hope you are enjoying my book!!!
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