"Remus?-" James asked. "Where's the Library?" Sirius and James asked at the same time.

~Hallway outside the Library~

"Ok Remus. Now where do we go?" Sirius and James had made Remus give then step by step directions to get to the Library from the Great Hall.

"Turn now." Remus said not even looking up from his book.

James,Sirius, and Peter turned and crashed into a wall. "MOONEY! STOP DOING THAT!" Sirius yelled at his friend who had never taken his eyes off the text book, but his smirk could be seen on his face.

"Well if you walked with your eyes open then you would know if I was DOING THAT!" Remus said as he closed his book.

"He's got a point Paddy." James said as he ran a hand threw his messy hair.

"And I told you NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!" Sirius screamed at Prongs.

"All the more reason to call you that then." At these words Padfoot yet out a battle cry and tackled James to the ground. Remus watched the two friends brawl on the ground from over the edge of his book, which he had started to read again when James called Sirius 'Paddy'.

"Remus arn't you going to do anything?" James called as he dodged a punch in the face.

"No. But I think I might get some popcorn.... Accio Popcorn...." Remus said and then added "In a bowl." Last time when Remus had accio'd for some hot chocolate it came without a mug and he got drenched in steaming hot goodness. Remus vowed not to eat or drink anything chocolate again but that ended after two minutes. Remus couldn't go without his chocolate.

Lily finally caught up with the boys. She had to go to the little witches room. She had thought that she would meet up with her friends in the Library, not the Hallway outside of it, with two of them fighting on the ground, one watching with a bowl of popcorn, and one that was trying to walk threw a wall.

"Remus what are these to doing? Lily asked.

"Oh James called Sirius 'Paddy' and Sirius attacked." Remus explained while he watched Sirius lick James on the face, while James started freaking out.

"And what are you doing?"

"Watching the show." Remus said after he swallowed a mouthful of popcorn.

"Ok and what is Peter doing?" Lily asked as she looked over at the sad boy who was Peter.

"Him I'm not sure with.... but I think we should be worried." Remus said as he finally took his eyes off the two crazy people on the floor to the crazy person trying to walk threw a wall.

"You going to do anything about it?" Lily asked as she took a handful of popcorn. Remus replied back no. Lily just shrugged her shoulders and then joined Remus in what he called 'the show'.

~Twenty Minutes Later in the Library~

"I can't believe you licked me!" James said as they sat down at a quiet table in the back of the Library.

"I can't believe that you messed with my hair! That what muggle's call a Capital Punishment! And what wizards call a life time in Azkaban!" Sirius said as he tried to fix his hair back to the way it was.

"Well you licked me so I had to got to desperate measers." James said to Sirius. "Now. Back to planing for the last prank of our Hogwarts lives... what are we going to do?"

Everyone sat in silence trying to think of a good prank that would let them go out with a bang. "We could turn the Slytherin's robes into tutu's and cause them to dance in Swan Lake." Sirius suggested.

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