The teachers hate me!?

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My phone went off instead of my alarm from my iPad, so I looked at my phone to see what it was, it was a massage from Chloe.
<Hey guess what?
>what? Your mad and I'm not
<ha no, but the teachers sent out a message on the school broad thingy, it said that we can wear whatever for the rest of the week, but no pjs
>okay thanks Chloe for letting me know :D
<no worries see you at school
I turned off my phone and put on some new clothes because I slept in the same clothes from before.
I pulled out some bread for breakfast and made toast and after I ate my toast I hear a knock on the door I check who it was and it was Jaymi and Dean no Brandon which I found odd but I didn't ask until Jaymi said something so I let them in.
"Hey Kiara, Brandon couldn't come today he is sick" Jaymi says with a sad face, I couldn't believe it either because I thought he would never take the day off even when Jaymi had the day off he would still go, well at least she gets to tease me now with Dean being a friend even though he is a 'Bad Boy' I didn't want to believe he is a bad boy because he never really acted like one to be honest, oh crap Jaymi realised I wasn't listening to her crap.
"Hey! Are you even listening to me!?"Jaymi pulled a face which I hated so much I wanted to punch her right in the face so I decided to just nod and smile best way to go at least I thought.
"I can see it not your like Aaron from aphmas channel!?" I knew she was going to say that we watch a channel on YouTube together all the time I don't know what she is going to do when she leaves but I didn't want to say anything to Dean about it, "well let's get to school, breakfast club is on today and I have to help!" So at school we have a breakfast club for people that doesn't have breakfast in the mornings because of the bus times and all that stuff, so we left my house and start walking to school and I had to tell Jaymi something about this weekend but I forgot what it was.
"Hey Kiara and Dean are you guys free this weekend or what?"I rolled my eyes because I already told her on text message, the there was a full minute of awkward silence then Jaymi made a sound, "ooh I remember now, you guys are coming, okay so I'll send Kiara the time and all that then she will send you the same thing!"Jaymi was really excited for this weekend I could tell on her face I know her to well but not well enough.
"Jaymi, you are taking this thing very normal because the rest of my friends always has their jaws open!"I say hoping she understood what I said because it made no sense at all then she looked at me with a confused face and put her head on the side a little bit so then I rolled my eyes hoping she saw them, "with Dean being my friend! You dumbo sorry I didn't actually mean to say dumbo!"I say the last bit fast before she could say anything.
"Well I forgive you for saying that to me but I'm fine with it, it's not a big idea plus he doesn't seem like a asshole so I'm cool with it!" I don't know why we are yelling but we must be weird for Dean right now.
"Jaymi, Dean is standing right here you know!"I think I saw her eyes roll of annoyance but I couldn't care less, "okay let's talk about something else then, it's Friday tomorrow!" I was so excited because I loved weekends sometimes but this weekend something tells me Jaymi has something evil planned and I have to find out what.
"Oh my god yes we are at school already!" Me and Dean say that at the same time, " jinx!"we said that at the same time too but I let him say it, "jinx!" I didn't know what type of jinx he has planned but I didn't want to question it.
"Okay bye guys!"Jaymi waves bye to us and I head to my friends but I felt a hand as if they were trying to scare me but it didn't so I turned around to see who it was and my friends came super close and pulled me away from Ben I wasn't surprised to see him.
"Hey calm down!, I don't want to fight I just want to say bye and thanks for being a great girlfriend well now you are my x girlfriend and now do you want to be friends?" Ben said so much I couldn't keep up but my friends were whispering something, "Kiara don't be his friend forget him!" It was more like a whisper yell but I couldn't do it even if they hurt me, "we will be friends but if you try anything I mean ANYTHING I will bash you in front of the school and your friends, okay!?" I say it in the meanest way I could, "thanks Kiara, you know this could work us being friends!" Once he said that I hear something else under his breath but my friends didn't know what he said but I did.
"Kiara tell us right now what he said!!" They said it together at once so I rolled my eyes,"he said, maybe more then just friends! And when he try's that I will bash his head in!" As soon as I said that Jaymi was standing right behind me tapping her foot on the ground and just as she was doing that Dean and his mates came around the corner and I thought this couldn't get better.
"Kiara I thought you stopped this! You said you were going to stop fighting and not get suspended or get into detention or even worse move to a different school again! It's like you were always a bad girl / tomboy!"when she said tomboy I knew that she was mad and I hated when this happened between us because my friends that didn't know and Dean's friends that didn't know now knows and I sometimes hated being called a tomboy I never thought I was but now I know how she really feels.
"Jaymi I did it so he wouldn't bash me up, he is even lucky he isn't in hospital!! It's not like you would do the same, Jaymi I'm not a tomboy!"when I said that I knew I shouldn't have said that,"well Kiara, you jump in every fucking puddle, mind my French but Kiara I need you here at this school and yeah Ben is lucky he isn't in the hospital because you wouldn't be here right now! Why can't you be like the rest of us!" I didn't know what I was going to say next but I knew it wasn't going to be good, "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR NOT WANTING TO BE A FUCKING NERD THAT SITS ON MY ASS ALL DAY!!"my friends didn't back me up because they knew once they are in they are stuck so they watched and more people started to come by and watch,"Kiara I know fighting helps you but it was in school grounds! And people were watching how many people watched you fight other people at your other schools!? Then you got kicked out!? Huh!? And your mum is fine with this!?"once she said my mum I was more angry at her then Ben to be honest, "don't you dare bring my mother into this!! You little bitch! I'm sorry I fight people but they either say things that hurt me or my family or even my friends! I'm sorry that I want to protect the ones I love!"I knew that got her right there,"okay what about that car crash you were in!?"and that's when I shut down all my emotions until my eyes had nothing inside,"JAYMI YOU WONT MEANT TO SAY THAT!!!"she knew she hit the jackpot but I was going to keep going same as her but the teacher came because one of my friends went to tell the teacher and the teacher I'm guessing heard what Jaymi said about the car crash so I hoped she got into more trouble then I did but before the teacher said anything the bell went so we both left to our lockers mine was closer so I didn't walk far but with everyone looking at me it was making me want to break down so my friends huddled around me so no one saw what was going on.
"Kiara it's going to be alright be strong!"Kelly says with a big smile, "or you could cry it all out!" That voice comes from chloe,"chewy that's not going to work you idiot!"that I knew came from Liam, I couldn't be more happier with all my friends around me.
"First class here we go!"we all ran to our lockers to get our stuff and walked to class and I saw Dean wave to me so I waved back and he smiled.
I just realised the weekend thing is coming up I get a text from jaymi.
<look I'm really sorry Kiara I hope you forgive me
>Jaymi you know I am very forgiving so of course silly
<haha yay
>lets just put this behind us for now haha
<okay also, time:9:30 in the morning on Saturday, got it!
>yes Jaymi I'll bring Dean with me since he has no idea where you live
<okay cool (I ship it) lol
>oh my god Jaymi!!
<gtg bye
I turned off my phone to see my friends standing in line while I put my phone away then turned to the front to see our drama teacher and I thought it was awkward because I didn't even know she was there.
"Alright class lets get inside!"the teacher glared at me for a while before going inside the class first, I didn't understand why she did that but whatever I say down with my shoeless friends because you are allowed to take off your shoes in drama but I only did it once because I didn't want anyone touching my shoes so now I left them on all the time.
"Hey Kiara, how did you knock Ben down by yourself?"Dean and his mates decided to sit near me and my friends so I just laughed at what Jack said but sure enough me and Dean plus his mates we were stepped outside for saying one or two things to each other but I wanted to be rude about what the teacher did because she is very picky.
"Well jack it was easy knocking out a football player!"I laughed and the teacher turned to me and gave me a death glare, "Kiara Macy! Do not speak until I am done talking to you all!"she yelled like as if we said rude things to her, "Kiara you are turning into a trouble maker when you hang around these boys!"I thought this school allowed anyone to hang around whoever but not this teacher! "Miss why don't you just stop trying to control my life your not my mother!" I basically whisper yelled kinda but the boys were just laughing so I thought maybe I can hang out with them now because of my friends will be playing football or whatever I might as well hang out with Dean and his mates.
"Hey Dean, can I hang out with you for the rest of the day?"I was trying to play this game where you act like you don't see or hear the teacher but it's usually with my friends we play this game but this is life or death I think, I laughed at my own thought, "young lady you listen to me right now!" I was looking around,"guys do you hear that? I think it's the wind telling me something!?"I was smiling at the time I said that, I almost forgot how it was like then I noticed something, "haha teacher has a penis on her!"Dean and his mates were drawing stuff and stuck it on the teacher and we all laughed, "okay all of you come inside right now! And I will put you in different groups the people you work well with!" She says that and she didn't realise that if she does that it will be worse, "Kiara! What happened?"I was out with my friends I have no idea why she would put me in a group I still have laughing attacks, when I can't stop laughing and the teacher didn't know that but I decided to be myself again you know the silent one plus the kind one sometimes.
The teacher pulled me to the side after class finished and Dean plus his mates, "you all were acting better then before, all of you should keep this up but I'm sorry but you all have time out at snack and lunch" I knew she was going to say that so I just nodded and smiled then walked away.
"Come on Kiara!" I hear my friends yelling for me to hurry up but then I realised I was lying about that part so when I walked out of the classroom I was with Dean and his mates and my friends were walking without me again so I just walked with Dean plus his mates, that's when I saw Ben walking past us, one of Dean's friends called to him, "Hey Ben o'Dick! You faggot!" I laughed at what they said because it was funny until the teacher pulled us to the side, "leave us alone you old man!"Dean says that as he got out something gross in a container, it was dog shit, Dean put it on top of the teachers head and we all ran for it, it was the most funniest thing I seem all day except the drawings of penis's on the other teacher.
The bell went for snack because nothing happened in second class but snack was fun because I was with Dean not my friends because we were in time out, I hated the silence so I had to act fast to stop what I'll do but I was unlucky the principal came in and pulled us all one by one by the ear onto a table, it hurt and I was going to tell my mum when I got home, "now you guys are really going over board, Dean I thought you would have stopped after being expelled for a while but you haven't but I can't do anything about it yet, but I can put you in different classes together with another teacher that is more hash then me, then it comes to you Kiara, your reports from the other schools have not been great and your home room teacher said you have been gold but ever since you hanged out with these boys..." I cut her off, "miss you can not tell me who to hang out with and if you don't like that then there is something you should know, I might have been in fights I still am and I might have made teachers leave their jobs but here's one thing you can't escape from!" She looked at all of us and we had eggs in our hands and Dean's mates too, "and what is that!?" The principal didn't know what was coming her way until......Splash and a crack of an egg all over her and she just sat there for one second before standing, "you all will be going home early today!" When she said that I was a little sad because I didn't get to spend the rest of the day with my friends but I didn't care I ran out the door and got my bag so did Dean and his mates and we started to walk out before my friends stopped me and Ben came along, "hey Ben I don't want to be friends with you I'm sorry but I can't, and to my friends I have to go home early sorry!"I waved goodbye and ran out of there before shit went down.
"Kiara do you want to hang out at the skate park with us?" I heard jack ask me while Dean and the others stopped in front of me,"Of course, but I have no idea how to skateboard " when I said that Dean had two skateboards with him and they laughed because of how I said it but also shocked too, "that's alright I can teach you!"Dean said that and I turned around for a second to see if anyone was behind us and there was it was Ben, " okay thanks, Dean someone look familiar behind us?" I say turning back around but the guys surrounded me like as a big group walking but I look behind me as we were walking Ben was still following.
We made it to the skate park and Ben was there watching.
Hey guys sorry I still have slow updates and haves a photo of chloe, and also please tell me if I make a mistake somehow let me know and I hope you are still enjoying my book, and I will be writing the next chapter! Enjoy! I'll talk soon!

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