What a day

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm and so I got up and I realised that I slept in my clothes that I was going to wear today since it was Thursday we were allowed to wear normal human clothes then the uniform everyone has to wear so I just felt the clothes on and brushed the beast aka hair and had breakfast and I put my earbuds in listening to 'Eminem' I sometimes listen to him when I know I'm going to have a crappy day.
I hear a knock on the door, I walk towards the door and it was Jaymi and her boyfriend and Dean, I thought of an idea to make Dean take his shirt off and put a bow tie on and my glasses he looked really good I had to admit I think Brandon was shocked to see how fit he is, Dean puts his shirt back on and took off the glasses and bow tie. We had 1 minute of standing talking to each other, then we left my house and I really wanted to talk to Dean about knowing him better but I was a bit shy and to nervous I guess. Once again I was trapped in my thoughts again and I hate getting trapped in my thoughts because I seem to get angry or sad or more happy something like that and I really didn't want to get hurt again because of what happened yesterday.
"Hey guys who is free this weekend?"Jaymi blurted out and I was shocked of how fast we were walking, "I am all weekend!" Brandon says smiling at Jaymi I knew she has something planned with all of us, "I have to ask my parents" I hear Dean say right beside me, I couldn't believe it I thought he was on my side then Jaymi came up close to me making me stop, "where did you get that purplish black eye and that cut?" And that's when I knew I shouldn't tell her what happened but I should since she is my friend and realised I had a little blood on because I took off my jumper and I had a different shirt on and it was white so you could see the blood, "I got in a fight Jaymi if you must know" I say to Jaymi and Brandon looked surprised more like shocked, "Again I thought you stopped!?" Jaymi says and I forgot that I told her I have been in fights before and she knew that I didn't want anyone to know that's why I won the fight with Ben kind of, anyways Dean and Brandon didn't need to know,"Jaymi you won't meant to say anything!" I rolled my eyes and looked at Dean and he looked surprised and shocked, "I know I'm sorry but who against Kiara you know you can get suspended again!" She says and she moved out of the way and we kept walking and I knew she rolled her eyes but I hoped no one else would find out as soon as we got to school Dean ran up to me,"hey is that true what Jaymi said? You could have taken down Ben and what did she mean again!?" I felt like he was going to keep asking questions about me, "yes it's true for what she said and yes I was suspended a lot and I couldn't have taken Ben down because I didn't want to be suspended, anymore questions but here's one thing I want you to do is please don't tell anyone, got it!?" I whisper yelled to him hoping no one heard me but this is putting so much trust.
"I won't but why not tell anyone?" He says as we kept walking towards the lockers his was next to mine I was fine with it I couldn't care less but then I saw it, "PUDDLE!!!!" I yelled so loud I made the people that was at school early like us look at me and Dean with a funny look on their faces it looked funny at first but as soon as I jumped in the puddle my friend was standing there and I didn't even see her there and I got her legs wet and she was angry at me for a good while she walked away to clean her legs and looking behind me Dean was laughing and I smiled because I can't help it when someone laughs I laugh well half of the time.
"So how many schools have you been to?" He smiled, "this year or?"I say smirking then he put a fake shocked face on and put his hands on both of his cheeks and we both laughed, "well if you really must know I been to 12 schools in two years or something I don't count!" I say about to laugh again, "Wow, well guess what I have been to more then you, and why?" He says looking around, "why? Well they always blamed it on me because they would say I started something half of the time I did but I only did because I had a reason" I look around too making sure no one found out even my friends, "wow, what I did was to fight people and pranks and all that normal stuff!"he says and I thought why not because we seem to have a lot in common, "yeah, does anyone know of what you did Mr badboy?" I wanted to mock him but the bell was going to go in 1 minute, "Mr Badboy? Pfft you would be miss badgirl, yes everyone knows but not you, well now you know do you hear that?" He smiled and put his hand near his ear trying to hear the bell, I just rolled my eyes.
It's a cold day lucky we were allowed to wear causal clothes or I would be freezing, I felt my phone go off and it was a text from my mum.
<you have to walk home dad has work
>okay, it's really cold huh?
<hell yeah it is, what are you doing?
>getting my stuff for class, what about you?
<nothing like always, you can go to someone's house or they come over here if you would like them to
>okay thanks mum, I got to go to class and I don't want to drop my phone so I'll text when I'm in the class or when it is safe to take out my phone
<ok bye for now then
>yep bye
I turned off my phone and got my stuff out of my locker, did I mention that the lockers were outside?

"Alright class get your reading books out and read for a while!" The teacher said with a lot more anger then usual, half of the teachers at this school really hate our class, once we made a teacher cry and another we made her want to quit her job we were really harsh sometimes to the teachers.
I start to read my book it's called 'shadows' I don't know why I am into that stuff but I like it so others would have to get over it.
"Hey!" Says Kelly sitting next to me with her books and phone, the book she is reading is 'raining in the rain' I think but I didn't say anything until I finished the part I was on and once I did, "Hi, why are you late?" I say to Kelly but she had a smile on her face for some reason and I will find out why.
"Now before you start interrogating me, I am just happy today that's all and I am late because it's my birthday!" As soon as she said that I remembered and I did not feel good after that,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"I say so loud the teacher puts me on a red, red meaning I have one last chance to get off it or I will be stepped out of the classroom it kinda sucks when that happens, so I sat there trying to ignore the teacher as much as I can.
"Wow Kiara!" Someone said from behind me, so I looked behind me to see Jaymi there, I was confused to why she was there,"fighting Ben are we? You know he is not taking it very good, he looks like shit!"I know what she is doing she wants me to keep fighting so I can fight for her, pfft as if I mean she is my friend but I don't want to start anything.
"Jaymi what do you want!?"I say in a whisper and then I felt a hand touch me it was Kelly.
"Hey are you okay? You were shaking!" Kelly had a worry face on and I hated that so much that half of the time I have to lie to her face sad I know.
"I'm fine Kelly, just in a lot of pain that's all, nothing to worry about!" I say pushing her hand off me, it was true I was in a lot of pain and I have a feeling that Ben will come after me again.
I get a message on my phone and I check it
<I still like you, why don't you like me!?
>Ben just go away I don't like you anymore!
<your gonna pay for this!
>snot face
<no I mean stupid because you will be in suspension for a while
>why your the one that started it
<everyone will see
>then there will be no shame will there!?
< this is going to be a piece of cake, see you at lunch!
> just so you know your the one that is stupid bye now
I turned off my phone and the bell went for snack break I was happy because I was hungry and I really didn't want to fight him so I went up to Dean to tell him,"Dean, Ben wants to fight me at lunch and he thinks that I will be in suspension, I probably will if everyone sees! What do I do?" His friends looked at him and I then he looked at them,"Well, I'm not to sure" I knew he didn't want to say in front of his mates but I couldn't care less plus I dress like a tomboy so another reason why I could be spotted.
"Wait you mean Ben O'dall? Are you serious!?" One of his friends say with a shocked face, "you can't fight him your a girl!?" Then Dean looked at me,"can I?" I nodded my head yes and he lifts my shirt to see brutal  bruises and cuts and they looked shocked, "this is what happened when she did it the first time you know did a punch on!" His mates looked so surprised,"he is a great fighter so be careful!" They left and me and Dean were left standing face to face.
"Are you going to fight him?" Dean spoke the class was leaving the classroom since it was snack we were still in the classroom,"yes I might as well" I say feeling my stomach with the mess I made on it,"well whenever you need help you run to get me and we fight together!" He says I thought that was so sweet until he got out something I couldn't see it.
Dean puts party stuff everywhere in the classroom I thought it funny so I helped and then I looked at the window to see my friends and they were laughing I could tell so me and Dean finished what we were doing and left the room and I said my byes to Dean and Dean did the same.
"Okay guys lets kick that football!!" I think they were still in shock but I didn't care and so we played football.
Hey guys sorry for the slow updates, here's a photo of Dean, I hope you are enjoying my book and leave a like or whatever and I will start the next chapter, okay I hope you enjoy the book and I'll talk soon!

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