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Hello my readers, I am starting yet another fanfic with BTS. This story will be all about brotherhood, flings, drugs, and more. I've gotten this idea and such from tumblr and I thought it'd be a bomb ass book to write. It may be bomb to me, but hopefully it will be bomb to you... Let's begin.

Namjoon: (The Modifier): First up we got Namjoon. A genius, a pacifist, and the head of the city's illegal street racing hub. We're tight, so you don't have to worry about him. He's got no interest in violence. He can turn any old rust bucket into a top notch street racing vehicle, or add any sort of modifiers to your car that you might desire. For a price, of course.

Taehyung: (The Hustler): Now this guy's a character. Lemme tell you. He's the city's most notorious entrepreneur, Kim Taehyung. 'Entrepeneur' is a fancy word, I'd sooner call him a con-artist with a crocodile smile. Sure, he's high as fuck most of the time, but don't let that fool you into thinking he won't trick you into handing your money over to him. He's in a partnership with the street racing kid too; He helps pay for car modifications, and Jungkook splits his winnings with him. It's made them both very rich, very quickly.

Jimin: (The Party Boy): Well-mannered, soft-spoken Mayor's son by day, loose party boy by night., we're talking about Park Jimin. He's rich, charming, and his father is in charge of the entire city. As long as Jimin doesn't make problems for his father via the press, he usually gets to do whatever he pleases, and that is always to party. His favorite night spot is Yoongi's club, and he's often seen with the druglord and actor, Seokjin. If you ever want to speak to the mayor, befriending this guy could be a good idea.

Hoseok: (The Dealer): Jung Hoseok's a good guy, and fun to hang with. I can vouch for him , but I don't really know what he's doing getting caught up in business with Yoongi as the resident drug dealer for him. His favorite places to find customers are the college campuses, where there are plenty of eager buyers, and Hoseok gets to crash their frat parties. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin all do their dealings with Hoseok, while Seokjin prefers to deal directly with Yoongi, himself.

Yoongi: (The Drug Lord): After the untimely death of his father, Min Yoongi inherited his legacy of illegal drug trafficking and became the head of the blackmarket. He's still young, but he has quickly grown into his position, and I would not fuck with him if I were you. If you wanna talk to him you can find him at his nightclub he owns, but good luck. He's not exactly a people person, but a slut. Fuck and leave. If you're looking to buy, you'd be better off talking to his dealer, Hoseok.

Jungkook: (The Street Racer): Some people were just born to be prodigies. Jeon Jungkook is one of those people. The kid's only just started college, but he's already made a name for himself in the world of the illegal street racing, with the guidance of Namjooon and the financial support of Taehyung, he's won almost every race he's entered, however, his sudden success has made him the enemy of some dangerous people who are less than pleased at being constantly beaten by someone so young.

Jin: (The Heartthrob): Then there's the big time actor, Kim Seokjin, an expert at manipulating people's emotions. I'd be careful around him if I were you. His good looks have been known to turn even the hardest men and women into stuttering messes. He's in cahoots with the city's illegal drug syndicate- to what extent, we don't know for sure, but he's often seen at the drug lord's nightclub. He's also been fund with illegal drugs in his apartment, but the charges were dropped.

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