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"i fucking love spicy ramen,"

all she could do was watch in surprise and confusion as he stuffed his mouth with food after food, this time being with the spicy ramen he'd order ー it was his tenth bowl, while she was still working on her second.

he had questioned her a few times, asked why she was eating so slow, and as a response she had told him that she was naturally a slow eater (she really was to a degree). but this time, it wasn't because of her slow eating tendencies.

her appetite was slowly deteriorating the more she thought about jeongguk.

when yoongi wasn't looking, she had found herself rereading over their text messages, something she did often. only this time, there was no smile on her face as she did so.

michi wasn't sure what she was feeling towards him, but her anticipation to hear what he wanted to tell her was beginning to fluctuate, as apart of her was eager to know. but the other part of her was ready to decline hearing what was going to be said.

she shoved her phone in her backpack. didn't wanna think about it.

"don't you think you should slow down on the soju?" michi asks her now half-drunk companion. he turns to her with a frown on his face, says to her, "uh, no. you can never have enough soju. besides, we're still celebrating."

michi was fine with her first bottle of soju.

"but i really need you to watch yourself. you still have to take me home you reckless boy." she addresses firmly. he nods, gulping down another shot of soju. "darling, relax. i'm not gonna get too drunk, okay?"

michi watches in disgust as he chows down, ramen bowl after ramen bowl, soju after soju. she shakes her head and sighs. "you really haven't had a girl's number in a while, huh? you're completely ecstatic about this. it's not that big of a deal."

"excuse you," he looks over at her again in disbelief, "but it is a big deal. it lets me know that i'm not just some ugly, scrawny kid from daegu who can't get a girl. is it wrong to boost my own self-esteem sometimes?"

"i suppose not. but there's a possibility that your relationship with her won't work out. you need to be careful without how hype you get."

he turns to her with a drunken smile, cheeks full, eyes narrowed, "well, if my relationship with her doesn't work out, then i'll just stay with you."

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