Life Update

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A little ways down the road...

Niomi and Jude got married during an intimate ceremony surrounded by their closest family and friends with Jude's twin sister, Joanna as maid of honor and Charlie as Jude's best man.

Just as the priest declared them man and wife and they engaged in their first kids as a married couple, Lucy began to clap demanded to be released from Joanna's grip and into her father's arms. However, the tall brunette who was older by the longest 5 minutes of their mother, Charlotte's life was quick to explain to the 14 month old that she would be reunited with her parents once they came down the aisle.

Now Niomi and Jude have been married for over a year and they have been blessed with good fortune, a solid roof over their heads and a beautiful baby boy named Jack William Harrison; who was born on July 16 2017. The proud parents discovered that Jack was a form of John; which was the derivative for Joanna. Since she is Jude's twin sister and she played a big part in his life, it only felt right to honor her. His middle name, William is a name that has been passed down to most of the boys in Jude's family and it means "strong willed protector".

As for Lucy, she is 2 years and 8 months old and she is becoming the smartest toddler that Niomi and Jude have ever known; which is evident through the toddler tag that they filmed with her for her two year update.

Here it is...

Toddler Tag: Lucy Noelle

1. What is your name?

L: Lucy Noelle.

2. How old are you?

L: Ummmm... Zoe!

N: Okay, we'll call her later. But how old are you?

L: Two!

N: That's right.

3. What is your favorite food?

L: Mickey Mouse, p' cake.

N: Every Saturday morning, Jude makes Lucy a pancake in the shape of Mickey Mouse; which she absolutely loves.

4. What is your favorite snack?

L: Grapes!

5. What's your favorite drink?

L: Milk!

N: She absolutely loves almond milk. Just like her mummy.

6. What is your favorite tv program? What do you like to watch on TV?

L: Peppa!

7. What is your favorite book: Ariel!

N: For her birthday, Jude's sister, Joanna got Lucy a collection of Disney Princess bedtime stories and I'm fairly certain that the Little Mermaid one is her favorite so far.

8. What is your favorite toy?

L: Car.

N: Oh, that's right. For Christmas last year, Santa brought Lucy a battery operated Frozen car; which she was too small for at the time but now she absolutely loves it.

9. What makes you mad or upset?

L: Jack!

N: *laughs* It's been an adjustment period for Lucy having her brother here. She's loves being top dog at the moment. But I know that she'll grow to love him soon enough.

10. What does she call her grandparents?

N: That's kind of a hard one for Lucy to answer but... she calls my mum and stepdad, Nana and Grampa. She calls Jude's mum, Mee-ma and his dad and stepdad are called Poppy and Bubba. Right, Lucy?

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