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Niomi and Jude became official when Lucy was 5 months old; which happened to fall on Niomi's birthday and life was good. The older infant had grown accustomed to having a father figure as well as a dog; and Niomi was happier than she had ever been in a long time.

She had introduced Jude to her friends and she had posted pictures of him with Lucy on Instgram; however, her inbox was flooded with notifications that read:

"Does Niomi have a new boyfriend?"
"Does Marcus know about him?"
"@niomismart, pleas explain!"

After chatting it through with Jude and discussing the strength of their relationship, Niomi and Jude made.a video on her channel entitled Meet my Boyfriend: The Boyfriend Tag.

The Boyfriend Tag

1. Where did we meet?

J: We met while I was working at Waterstones. You were looking for some good books to read to Lucy and you dropped a few.

N: Yeah, and that's when our eyes met... *sighs*

2. Where was our first date?

J: A hill top moonlight picnic at Richmond Park. Louise came over to watch Lucy since it was Darcy's weekend with Matt. I don't often think to kiss and tell, but we also had our first kiss on that date. I didn't want to rush into anything but it just felt so right.

N: I remember that moment like it was yesterday.

3. When did you meet the family?

J: Ummmm... I remember it was Lucy's 3rd month birthday and we drove into Brighton to celebrate. I met your stepdad, Paul, your mum, Daisy May and the rest of them via Skype. During the same evening, I met Alfie, Zoe, Tanya, Jim and Louise.

N: They were all so welcoming and everyone just got on with Jude; which made me really happy.

4. What's one weird habit that each of you have?

J: *looks at Niomi, confused* Do I answer with one weird habit that you have or that I have?

N: *chuckles*, I think it's asking for us to list our own habits.

J: Well, then... I have the habit of doing 10 push-ups every morning. Thank god it doesn't wake Penny up.

N: I've gotten in the habit of singing in the shower; which I never used to do until I started singing to Lucy. I guess the lullabies of the previous night just get stuck in my head.

5. How long have we been together?

J: I would say around 3 months, right?

N: That seems accurate. But I would say a bit over three because, personally I count the week after we met.

6. Do we have any traditions?

J: I don't know if this counts, but every day we take a walk with Penny and Lucy before you head off to the gym.

N: I would say that counts. But I would also count our tradition of watching a Disney movie at least once a month or once a week.

7. What is an animal that you think resembles one another?

J: I think an animal that represents Niomi would be a yellow labrador puppy. She's just really sweet, affectionate and always knows how to put me in a better mood when I'm feeling down and hanging out with Penny is just not enough.

N: Awe. I think an animal that best represents Jude would be a lion because he is so courageous and open about his mental health. I think it's so hard nowadays to find someone like that. But I turned out to be one of the lucky ones.

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