The Greatest Adventure

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Niomi awoke at 7:30am on Christmas morning and smiled groggily at the gentle and soothing descent of snowflakes as they flew gracefully from the clouded pale blue sky. As she turned her head to the right of her hospital bed to greet Lucy a merry first Christmas, her heart raced at the sight of a missing bassinet.

As Niomi prepared to press the red help button to ring in the nurse, she was greeted by Dr. Murphy and a tall blonde nurse with green eyes named Robyn, who carried a carseat with Lucy in it and returned the infant to Niomi.

"Sorry if we woke you. However, we needed to do a car seat check with the baby because we have some exciting news" Dr. Murphy began as he ran a hand through his hair and looked to Robyn to make the official announcement.

"We think that everyone should be home with the ones they love during the holidays, so we're letting you and your daughter go home today. Congratulations" Robyn announced.

Niomi's eyes filled with tears of joy as she relished in the news that she had just been given. She then remembered all of the stories she had heard from Zoe, Tanya and Louise about having to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 2-3 days after the baby is born. But she was relieved to know that she would be able to spend Lucy's first Christmas and day of life with their family and friends.

Once Niomi had gotten a good shower in and finished doing her makeup, she prepared to repack Lucy's diaper bag and get her dressed in her first outfit of the day; which was a white onesie with a Minnie Mouse head on it, a red skirt with white polka dots, a matching headband and a pair of white leggings with white Mary Jane shoes that had red trim and red bows. Even though she was fully aware that it seemed like a Valentine's Day outfit, Niomi decided to save the Christmas outfit for the party at her mother's house.


On the way home from being officially discharged from the hospital, Niomi smiled at her slumbering rear-facing daughter in the mirror of her car and thought of all the adventures of the life ahead of them.

"We're going home, Lucy Noelle. Merry Christmas, little one" Niomi said" as she pulled into the driveway and prepared to take the carseat and diaper bag out of the car.

It seemed harder than she had anticipated but that might have been because she was doing this alone. Niomi could only hope that she would get used to it eventually.

Once Niomi had gotten settled at home with Lucy, she decided that it was high time she created a blog post about her birth experience as a means to introduce the world to her bundle of joy.

Niomi Smart
Friday, 25 December 2015

Greatest Little Gift

If you have been following me on Twitter and Instagram for quite a bit, you would know that I fell pregnant with Marcus' child but failed to tell him that I was pregnant in the midst of our heated breakup. Now before you go mad and start berating this post with snide comments, I would just like to say that I have informed him of the birth and he has chosen not to come around.

I want my baby to be raised in a world where she will not be faced with a mountain of hatred and inappropriate questions whenever she walks out the door or even takes a peak at the outside world through the window of her Minnie Mouse themed nursery.

Anyway, onto the more important and exciting matters at hand.

My little girl was born yesterday (Christmas Eve) at 12:24am after 8 hours in labor and 25 minutes of pushing and I've called her Lucy Noelle. It was a pain like I had never experienced before on top of being sleep deprived. But I wouldn't change a thing.

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