Something New

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3 weeks later...

At this point, Niomi started to believed that she had gotten the hang of single motherhood. She had developed a routine/schedule with Lucy and Niomi figured out what she needed when she needed it. She was a pretty easy baby to read but it just took some time to get to know her; similar to any relationship Niomi had with anyone of any kind. She even made it a priority to buy a journal and record everything that she learned about her daughter as the journey progressed.

Within the 3 weeks that they had been a family of two, Niomi was able to learn the following things about Lucy:

-She wasn't a fan of using pacifiers (dummies as they are called in the UK)
-She liked to be swaddled in the middle of the day; specifically.
-She loved the song I see the Light from Tangled; especially when Niomi sang it.
-She napped anywhere in the morning from 9-11 and in the afternoon 1 -3.
-She was easily entertained by the toys on the MamaRoo swing and on her car seat.

Niomi woke groggily by the sound of Lucy's ear splitting cries at 6:50 in the morning; which emanated from the Summer Infant HD 5 inch color monitor that she had purchased on a trip through Mother Care with Zoe and Tanya.

Niomi slowly rose from her queen sized mattress and made her way across the hall to Lucy's nursery; where she found her precious daughter staring up at the ceiling and cooing whilst flailing her legs about like a gymnast.

"Good morning, Lucy Noelle. How are you today?" Niomi smiled through still tired eyes as she leaned forward and picked Lucy up out of the crib.

After nursing her for approximately 15 minutes and changing her diaper, Niomi brought Lucy downstairs and placed her in the MamaRoo to keep her entertained whilst Niomi made herself some breakfast; which consisted of a green smoothie and a small chocolate chia seed pudding.

Whilst enjoying her breakfast and keeping a close eye on Lucy; who was still entertained in the swing, Niomi thought that she hadn't read a good book in a while and she would love to start reading to Lucy. So, she decided it was time that they took their first little walk together to Waterstones.

As Niomi was packing up the diaper bag, she thought it would be a good idea to film the process since so many of her fans would be curious as to what a day out would look like for her and Lucy.

The following things were featured in the video:
-An extra pair of clothes
- A soft Minnie Mouse rattle to keep Lucy entertained
-Niomi's nursing cover

Once Niomi had finished filming the video and gotten Lucy bundled up in a medium pink fleece snow suit with Minnie mouse bear ears and on the left side as well as on the feet; which seemed perfectly in keeping with the January London weather. Just as Niomi finished ensuring that she and Lucy had everything they needed, they made their way out the door and on their way to Waterstones.


Upon entering Waterstones, Niomi immediately thought to check out the children's section to find a book to read to Lucy. She had drafted up a list of prospective books, which included some titles from her childhood; however, she decision to choose the perfect one seemed easier said than done. As the titles subconsciously piled into Niomi's arms, Lucy began to wail at the top of her lungs; thus causing Niomi to abruptly drop the books, which only increased Lucy's cries.

As Niomi found herself torn between cleaning up the mess she had made or cleaning up in the mess in Lucy's diaper first, Niomi's eyes were met by a tall attractive male Waterstones employee in his twenties with chestnut brown hair and milk chocolate brown eyes.

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