Chapter Sixteen- Evan

Start from the beginning

He's not like any other 'looking' Doctor. He's gorgeous, pure gentlemen, and Sophie's childhood crush. I found out that later when she told me that his mother and hers were best friends, just like our fathers were.

And, before you rode down the wrong road like, if I ever had one on him, just stop right there! He's like an elder brother to me and the feelings are mutual between us.

I knew I could trust him. I chose to come to this hospital for a reason. The hospital belongs to him and his family, where he himself jobs as a Doctor. A very respected Doctor.

His handsome face glanced down at me with a small smile. "How are you?"

We sat on the bleacher side by side. "Scared." I shrugged and bit my bottom lip. He seemed to understand me, as he warmly draped his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't be. I'm not gonna call police or your parents... You can trust me." He confirmed about my second fear.

"I know I could trust you and that's the reason I came here... But, no, I'm not scared about that..." I said, looking him in the eyes with a hint of what I was trying to say.

Gabe gave me 'OH' expression and smirked, "Ehmmm... he seems special to you... Is he?"

"No!" I immediately retorted, denying it. "It's not that... Just tell me how's he?" I felt my cheeks burn and immediately looked away from his blue eyes.

"Well, it's fine. You don't have to lie to me. It's written all over your face, elle. And he's going to be fine. Just few bruises here and there, and a small muscle damage close to his ribs—which is not a problem. You can in fact, take him home, if you want."

Finally, a smile formed on my lips. "Thank you so much, gabe. You don't know—"

"I know...." He understood my feeling and kissed the top of my head.

He stood up and so did I. "Now, I've to go. You can meet him once he's awake—the nurse will notify you. Just take care of yourself and stay away from any further trouble. Will'ya?"

I chuckled and agreed, "Yeah. I will. Thanks again."

"Don' mention it." He mumbled and turned around to leave but, something made him face me again, "One more thing, elle."

My heart speeded up, as I gave him a small nod and waited for him to continue.

Gabe's blue eyes looked at me and he softly mumbled, "He whispered something like, kyle please don't go in his unconscious self."

I just stared vacuously at him, I didn't know what to say. I didn't know any kyle—or a matter of fact, I knew nothing about him. What was I supposed to reply?

"Hmm. Thanks." I finished off with these two words and without any further questions he left.

"Kyle..." I spoke to myself for fifth time. It definitely sounded familiar to me but, I couldn't recall the memory.

My head was already filled up with so many things that I couldn't think of anything but, him.

Suddenly, my world came crumbling down...

"Elle?" A very familiar voice echoed in the hallway. Instantly, my eyes snapped up towards my left.

My mouth hung open, as I continued to watch a tall, masculine, blonde walk—jog towards me.

"Are you okay? What are you doing in the hospital? Are you hurt?" He immediately enveloped me into a hug and I also wrapped my arms around him. He definitely made me feel like his little sister.

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