Black out

64 3 2

2 weeks later
Ross' POV

I pulled up in front of Laura's house and turned off the engine.
It had been 2 weeks since the principle suspended me for getting in a fight with that guy and it was finally time for me to return to school.
Sure I was going to miss staying home and sneaking over to Laura's when it got late but I wanted to punch that dirt bag in the face for having one of his friends beat up my Laura. But I could always still sneak over.

Things between me and Laura have been going great! Since I didn't have school I could go over when she was home and we would just act like goof balls. And she is so adorable! The way she puts her head in the crock of my neck and will fall asleep is just so cute! I swear this girl is an angel that got lost on its way back to heaven.
Sure me and Laura had only been together two weeks and I've only known her for about a month, but I feel like I've known her my whole life. And i think I'm falling for her.

I pulled out my phone telling Laura I was outside ready to go and within two minutes she came out of the front door. When she reached the car and got in, a smile spread across her face. She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Hey, are you ready to go back to school?" She said while sitting back in her seat and buckling her seat belt.
"I guess but I'd rather be in your room beating you at Mario kart." I said while staring the engine back up. She lightly punched my arm then gave me a playful grin.
"Bet I'll beat u next time."
I lightly laughed.
"In your dreams."
I pulled up in the school parking lot and parked the car. But before Laura could get out of the car I pulled her back and and kissed her. After a few seconds she relaxed and kissed me back. And right when things were getting good her phone rang so she pulled away. She pecked my lips one last time.
"We can continue this later, I promise." She then got out of my car and started walking to the front door.

I let out a sigh then opened my door and put on my shades and made my way to the entrance.
During the 2 weeks I was suspended I got a whole new wardrobe and changed my look a bit. I now was wearing more leather, and I got to say I looked good.

A lot of girls smiled and waved at me when I reached the building, but I didn't care about them. The only girl on my mind was Laura.
When I got to my locker I unlocked it to see a note from that prick.

"Meet me behind the bleachers at lunch."

I wasn't going to at first but then I thought it over, I could finally not look like a loser. And I could beat his stupid ass for hurting Laura.
The day was going by fast and before I knew it, it was time for lunch.
I walked out of the class room and started walking towards the side door when Laura found me.
"Hey why are you going out there blonde?" She was moving closer to me so I turned around to face her. I really didn't want to lie to her but if I told her the truth I knew she would try and stop me.
"Oh, I was going to skip lunch and get in a couple laps around the track before gym, I was thinking about maybe trying out for football so I thought I would work out some." I swallowed, hoping she would bye it.
"Do you think it's safe to skip lunch to work out, I mean you are in perfect shape." She said the last part while smirking.
"It's fine, besides I had a big breakfast." She looked at me for a moment.
"Ok, and if you get hungry I'll just order a pizza right when I get home and we could watch a movie maybe."
She gave me a quick peck on the cheek then turned around and headed to the cafeteria. When she was out of sight I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and turned around towards the door.
It's payback time.
I walked over toward the back of the bleachers to see the dirt bag and a few of his jock buddies smoking and drinking. And lucky for me the main guy was getting kinda tipsy.

"You wanted to see me?" I said while taking off my sun glasses, no need to break them.
The brunette stood on his feet and walked closer to me.
"Ya, I believe I let you free last time without breaking a bone, I wanted to make sure I didn't forget this time."

I smirked. "Well let's get this over with." I took a breath, then shot my fist right at his eye witch knocked him back a couple feet. It was obvious the alcohol was definitely sitting in on him and he would pass out in a manner of minutes.
He came back at me trying to punch my rib but instead I caught his fist and twisted his arm and he started to groan in pain. "Ah man let go of me."
I let go of his arm then shot a fist at his chest and he fell on his back.
"Now you're going to leave Me alone, and your going to get that girls engine back, or else-" I then drew my fist back to try and scare him, and lucky for me it worked.
"Ok, ok I'll leave you and the bitch alone." 
And that little thing set me off and I punched his eye, knocking him out.

I stood back up on my feet to see all the other jocks cheering me on. I was rather confused. That's when everything went black and the last thing I saw was the pavement beside my head.

Hello everybody!!!

Before you guys start screaming at me let me say IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN 3 MONTHS!!! But I've had a lot going on.

For starters I'm going to have to repeat the 8th grade 😔witch means me and my brother will be in the Same grade..... And Cameron is forcing me to go back to public school 😖😖😖

Witch means I will probably have to quit wattpad 😭😭😭idk yet guys 😭😭😭

And to make matters worse Cameron  is going to talk to my doctor about putting me on anti depressants...😖😖

But guys I'm going to try and keep writing!!! And it would be great if you guys would check out my new fic called "I'm watching you" it's raura with a PLL twist, I think you guys will love it!!!

And I know it's a lot but I'm thinking about working on a captain swan fic!!! Because they r my parents!!! (My family is complicated ok!!!)

And sorry for the crappy chapter!!! I promise u I'm going somewhere with the story line!!!


bye guys!!!


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