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Just to remind everyone, Laura Marano's first single BOOMBOX is in 7 DAYS!!!!! It comes out on the 11th!!!!!
Ross's POV

There standing in front of us was the girl I spilled my lunch on, Nikki was her name I think.

"Get out of the way Young, we're trying to get to my car." Laura gave the girl a very cold stare, I mean this look could probably kill someone.
Nikki twirled her hair in between her fingers and just like she was a mirror, she gave Laura the same cold stare.

"Ok ladies, now how about both of you calm down and stop turning the other one into ice."

They both gave me a look like I was stupid until Nikki spoke up.
"Well Marano, have fun trying to get that thing to start." She walked away while popping her gum. Laura had a confused look on her face. "What did she mean by trying to start my car?" I shrugged my shoulders and started walking towards her car. Laura opened her car door and put her key into the ignition to start the car.

But guess what.

It didn't start.

"Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me!" Laura hit her head against the steering wheel and groaned.
She got out of the car and walked over to me. "Looks like I'm going to have to call a tow guy." She looked at the ground and pulled out her flip phone, wait I thought she had an iPhone.
"What happened to your iPhone Laura." She gave me a confused look but then her eyes widened. "Oh, that's not my phone, that was my iPod." I nodded my head
I turned around to see Nikki and a few jocks laughing. I rolled my eyes as they walked up to us.

"Wow, little moron, Marano still plays with toys." A jock with dark brown hair told his friends loudly. I walked up to him. "Do you mind telling me what you did to my friends car?" I was looking right in his eyes with a cold glare. All of a sudden him and his friends started laughing around us. I finally slammed the brown haired guy against his truck I take it. "I'm not going to ask you again, now what did you do to Laura's car?" One of the jocks who were around finally spoke up. "Him and a few other guys came by last night and did some work." I looked back at the teenager I had just shoved. " what kind of work?" He laughed then said. "Pop the hood and take a look."
Laura had been paying close attention the whole time so she quickly went back over to her car to pop the hood, and when she did I couldn't believe my eyes.

The engine was gone.

That was it, I mean what the hell!! Who takes the time to come back at night to take out the engine of a car!! My blood was boiling at this point, so no one could stop me. I quickly ran over to the jock and punched him right in the jaw, witch made him fall to the ground. His friends stepped back and watched as he came back up to his feet.
"So that's how you wanna play?" He chuckled

"Bring. It."

He then swung a punch at my eye witch I caught, I then swung a punch at his eye witch hit him. He stumbled back but this time he quickly got back up and ran right into me, making me fall to the ground. The fight lasted for minutes, but on the ground he had the advantage. I kept hearing Laura screaming "stop!" But it was no use. Finally what stopped us was the principal coming towards us and breaking up the fight. But sadly,

I lost.

He then told us to follow him inside the school. He asked us what the fight was about and then he suspended both of us for 3 weeks. My mom is going to murder me!!!
I then walked out of the building and saw Laura walking towards me.
"Oh my god Ross, you look horrible."
I could barely feel my hands, they had sores and scratch covering them. I had a black eye and bad bruising on my arms and chest.
Laura decided to walk with me home. On the way I told her about the suspension. When we finally got to my house I unlocked the door then went straight to the kitchen to see my mom waiting for me, and when she saw me her eyes widened.

"Ross, what on earth happened to you, and who is this."she went to a cabinet and pulled out a first adde kit.
"Well this is Laura and I got in a fight with this jock because he stole her car engine." My mom stopped what she was doing and looked at me in disbelief. "That's crazy, so your telling me that some boy actually took her engine out of her car?" I nodded, then she got a call on her phone.
"Ross I got to take this, if you need anything come ask me, your brothers and sister aren't home, but I think your father is outside, so just tell me if you need anything." She then went into another room to take her call. Laura then walked closer to me and told me to take off my shirt so she could see how bad I was bruised. When i lifted my shirt she gasped. "Ross it looks pretty bad, let me go get some ice." In side my head I was screaming no but I knew she was just trying to help. She came back over to me and placed an ice pack on my chest. "Ouch, it stings." She giggled then slowly put the pack to my eye. After about 15 minutes the swelling went down so we went into the living room. "So do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked. She simply nodded her head then sat down on the couch. I searched through the movies I had and decided on 3 but I couldn't choose. "So Laura, do you wanna watch, Safe haven, the notebook, or dear John?" She thought about it for a moment and finally said."dear John." Honestly I should of seen that one coming, of course she was going to pick "dear john" so she could check out Channing Tatum. I put in the movie then sat down on the couch next to Laura.
About half way through the movie I got bored, I looked over at Laura and saw that she was playing with her fingers. I finally decided to break the silence. "So tell me a little about you, all I know is that you like MattyB, you can sing, and that people like to bully you."
She turned her head toward me. "Well I'm 16, 17 in a few weeks. I have an older sister named Vanessa, my mom has lung cancer." When she said that last part her eyes started to water and her voice became shaky. " I have a half sister or brother somewhere in the world because of my father, and my father died when I was only 10." She held the tears in trying real hard not to cry. I leaned over to her and took her in my arms and hugged her. "Hey is ok, cry if you want to, sometimes it's better to let it out than keep it all locked inside." She hesitated but after a few seconds she started to cry into my chest. After about 5 minutes she stopped crying and we pulled away from the hug. She looked down at the floor and tried to wipe away her tears. "So um Ross, how about you tell me something about you." I cleared my throat. "Well I'm also 16, 17 in December. I like hockey and I have 4 siblings. My favorite color is yellow and as you already know I love music." She turned toward me with a confused look. "Is that it?"
"Yep pretty much." She nodded her head. Next thing I knew she was getting a phone call.
"Hey mom, no, I'm at Ross's house. Ok I'll be home soon, love you to." She hung up her phone then got up from the couch. "Hey that was my mom, I have to go but I can come bye tomorrow if you want." I nodded my head quickly without hesitating. She giggled then got up and left.

I sat there in silence thinking about the days events. And suddenly I felt ashamed about losing the fight. I was a rookie out there today when I should of been standing up for Laura. I then came to a conclusion, when I get back after the suspension I need to be the one wining the fight. So during this time I need to work out and become stronger. I'm not going to fail again.

I promise.


Oh. My. God!!!! That took forever to write!!!

So good news I already have the whole story line planned out for this book (with help from my brother) I just have to write it down!!!

Well bye for now!!!


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