Singing moment

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Laura's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Mattyb and Brooke Adee playing in my ears. I must of fell asleep while finishing my homework.

I quickly changed into a white tee shirt that said "not listening" in black letters,and black skinny jeans. I then put on my black converse and a red leather jacket. Then I put my hair up into a lose, side, fishtail braid. Then i gathered all my homework and put it into my bag,then went downstairs for breakfast.
"Hey Vanessa, how did you sleep."
I say to my sister who was finishing, cooking eggs and bacon.
"Fine, but I shouldn't had gone to bed so early! I was supposed to finish up my report for college, and it counts 20% of my grade!"
My sister was obviously mad but she will get over it, hopefully.
"Well it's just you were falling asleep on the door frame, and you just looked so tired."
She put the food on two plates then handed me one.
"It's fine Laura, but next time, try and keep me awake."

I said while pushing the food down my throat then running out the door. Because of that stupid prank from yesterday I now have  to walk to school witch would take me about fifteen minutes. I walked passed the lynch's house to see Blondie hopping on his bike. I tried to run but it was to late, he saw me then screamed after me. I finally had to stop running from loss of breath.

I reached for my back pocket to pull out my phone but it wasn't there, instead there was a big hole. I turned around to see Ross behind me, without his bike looking at my phone.

"Mattyb, really Laura, what are you ten?" His smirk was covering his face as he pulled out the earbuds so he could hear the song.

Bringing me hi then let me fall

"Where is it you've been today, who is it you called "

"Why don't you ever talk to me, look what you put me through"

That's not what you said earlier

Followed by "look what you made me do"

Enough is enough, ha ha were over through, I've had so much of your crazy but I'm not going to go crazy to, oh

Did you think that you could play me

Well I won't have it any more

Oh, every time you come around me

Every time you come around me oh

Every time you come around stay far away, stay far away

"Well, there is nothing wrong with liking Mattyb, but for your information, I got the song because I like Brooke Adee, she was on the voice in season eight." He rolled his eyes then began to speak.

"Ok if that's the case then why do I see like ten other songs on here bye him, let's see there's 'just wanna love you' and 'right now I'm missing you' the list goes on laur, so just fess up so we can get to school."
I blushed a little, then grabbed my phone out of his hands

"Ok, ok, I'll stop, but only because I agree with you that he is a great singer and rapper, see shortie, it's not that hard to say." When he finally shut up I let out a frustrated sigh then kept on walking to school. And guess who was still beside me, if you guess Ross lynch your right!(you don't win anything people;))

About half way there I turned my music back on to try and make things not so awkward between us.I put on Maroon 5
'She will be loved' i started to sing along.

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