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Even hours after the play had ended Prince Soma was gushing about it.

"That English woman that went to Siam teach the king's children? That's how I learned English too! It's like they were telling my story!"

The Indian prince shoved a spoonful of shaved ice into his mouth, not even waiting for Agni to help Basha into her seat at the café before gorging on his sweet treat.

Contentedly, the white haired butler stood beside their table with his hands behind his back as the magician was served some of the frozen desert as well.

After the play had ended, the trio had wandered about London aimlessly, enjoying the rare beautiful weather while it lasted.

Having stopped off in several shops, Prince Soma finally declared his growing hunger and ran into the closest café available, almost instantly ordering a glass of sweetened ice shavings.

Basha could only chuckle at the boy's antics as she daintily ate ice from her own glass. "I am pleased that you enjoyed it, mon prince." The magician chuckled. "I too had fun. And you, monsieur Agni? What did you think of the play?"

The Indian butler's eyes widened for a brief instant at the question, surprised that his opinion was being asked, then he smiled warmly down at the two. "It was very enjoyable. The special effects were particularly wonderful in my opinion, though I've seen better." He glanced over to Basha at that, and the magician could not stop the bashful blush creeping up her slender neck at his warm gaze. She just bowed her head and took another bite of her frozen treat.

"So what shall we do next?" Prince Soma exclaimed as he finished his shaved ice, oblivious to the interaction between his servants. "We could go to a park, or we could go shopping, or- oh! We could take a trip to the seaside! Or ride down the Thames! Or-"

"I don't believe our magician is strong enough for all that just yet, my prince." Agni interrupted with a chuckle. "And it is already beginning to get dark. We should try and head back home before night falls. I'm sure Mister Abraham is worried sick about Bash- Miss Pascal."

The magician froze at that, her jovial expression dropping suddenly. Agni blushed and tried to apologize- believing his mistake to be the cause of her sudden mood swing- but was cut short when Bashsa abruptly stood from the table and turned to grab the white haired man by his collar.

"Abraham! Oh mon dieu, depuis combien de temps sommes-nous partis?!"

Agni blinked in stupefaction at the sudden barrage of French shouted in his face, making Basha growl and shake the man with all her meager strength. "How long have we been away?!"

By now Prince Soma had stood and the entire cafe was looking at the odd trio.

Shakily, Agni brought out his pocket watch. "A-About six hours, but what-" The gasp that came from the magician's throat cut him off once again and Basha released the Indian butler's shirt.

"We have to leave." She gasped, throwing the money for their shaved ice down onto the table. "We have to leave right now."

Without a word of warning, the magician grabbed the shoulders of both the butler and the prince with glowing white hands. Prince Soma let out a single shout before the three vanished in a puff of white smoke, leaving everyone in the cafe to gawk in awe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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