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Prince Soma was pouting.

"Mon prince, why do you frown so?" Basha sighed, collecting the items she had been juggling for the young prince's amusement.

Soma pushed his bottom lip out further and rested his head on the dining room table. "Ciel went on a cruise with his fiancé and didn't invite me..."

Basha's blue eyes widened at that, then she sighed and slumped down next to the prince, her own head falling to the table's surface. "I take it Monsieur Sebastian went with him too?"

The prince nodded and both of them let out dejected sighs.

I had a whole day planned out to play with Ciel... The prince pouted in his head.

I had a whole trap laid out to destroy Sebastian... Basha sighed to herself.

Agni rolled his eyes at the pair as he picked up his prince's finished breakfast dishes.

"Why don't we go out to town today instead? It's such a lovely day outside, it would be a shame to waste it cooped up in here." The Indian butler suggested.

Soma brightened up almost instantly and jumped up to go get ready with an excited smile wide on his face.

Basha sat up slower, a small smirk upon her lips as she watched Agni clean up from breakfast. "That was very good thinking." She hummed, beginning to stand.

Agni just chuckled and shook his head. "There is a play that has recently been put out that our prince wishes to see. Today seemed to be as good a day as any to see it."

Basha smiled in excitement. "A play? Oh, it's been ages since I've last seen a play! I must get ready!"

Agni laughed at the magician's obvious excitement as she vanished in a puff of white smoke.

Reappearing in her room Basha ignored Abraham and instantly began searching through her bags for that one gorgeous dress that she owned.

As she searched she threw the styled white wig off of her scalp and pointed to her golem.

"Abraham mon cher, find me that blonde wig I hardly use s'il vous plaît."

The golem did as he was told as Basha pulled out her dress with a triumphant grin.

Where are we going?

The magician paused at Abraham's question. "Monsieur Agni, mon prince, and I will be going into town to see a play today."

And what of the predator?

"Monsieur Revenant is currently on a cruise."

And what of me?

Basha let out a sigh as she shimmied out of her costume. "You are to remain here and guard the house."

An alarmed look crossed Abraham's clay features.


Basha nearly groaned in annoyance. "I will be fine, Abraham. Monsieur Agni will be there, and as he says, he was blessed by his goddess Kali. We shall be fine."

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