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Three days. I am unsure on how much I can take in this place. Everything is so strange and I cannot adapt. The clothes, the rules. Everyone is so reckless and I just stand on the sidelines and watch. I was never meant for a life like this. The city is too loud, it really does earn the title 'the city that never sleeps'

It keeps me up at night too.

Marianne had acquired a small book to write her thoughts down. It had always seemed to help when she was alive the first time.

She slammed the book closed and moved her hand slightly, using her magic to flick it across the room. "Ugh" she groaned as it didn't have the same effect. The way that worked best in making her feel better was talking to Elijah, but that was out of the question.

What could she say? She was still stuck in her old ways.

"Maybe I just need some air" she whispered to herself. Marianne had now familiarised herself with the French quarter in New Orleans, and she was trusted to wander about on her own. But only if she sticks to allocated areas, which annoyed her, but she couldn't argue if she was given at least a small bit of freedom.

On her way out of her room, she lifted up the notebook and placed it on the side, so it didn't look messy.

Elijah had gone out, leaving Marianne relieved that she didn't have to risk the awkward meeting where he tried to apologise. As the days had gone by, her anger had simmered down, she was still hurt but she was in the position where she could maybe speak to him.

She took her first step outside and knew immediately where she wanted to go. Rebekah had shown her a beautiful market place the first time they'd explored. Marianne loved it for its witch objects and it was just fun overall.

She walked the streets until the streets filled with small stalls.

She pulled over to the side to look at a few pieces of jewellery. Marianne lifted a necklace within her hands and intertwined the chain as she looked at the intricate pattern.

"It's rhodalite garnet" the woman behind the stall kept herself busy as she spoke "it's good luck"

Marianne looked down and stopped herself from bursting out laughing, instead she smiled "I doubt a necklace will bring me the amount of luck I need" she said, placing it back on the stand "but it is very pretty"

She could tell the necklace was a fake; she could feel the lack of the magic inside, but she did compliment the woman on her great handiwork. If only this woman knew what she had been through, instead Marianne was just a stranger.

The wind picked up slightly, causing the wind chimes to cling together in a very eerie manner

Marianne looked up, feeling she needed to look at one specific spot. The wind blew her hair back, and with widened eyes, she saw something so horrific, so terrifying, she could feel her magic lock away from fear.

Tristan was stood with some other men in suits, thankfully not seeing her due to the busy streets

He was alive. How could he be alive?

Marianne stood back, colliding into a passer-by. Instead of apologising, she kept stepping backwards until she could turn and run.

Her feet took her around the corners until she realised that she was unbelievably lost and in the unsafe area Rebekah said.

Marianne looked behind her to make sure nobody had followed; her heart beating and making her whole body jolt along with it. A million thoughts ran through her mind as she moved her feet further and further into the unknown places. She felt like a lost child.

She turned to look forward, walking straight into him.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in" He grasped onto the top of her arm as Tristan looked down at the girl who should have been dead "Somehow alive"

"Don't touch me" She shuffled from his hold "You have no business with me anymore; you should be dead"

"Oh but I do" Tristan smiled "And I am very much alive, thanks to you killing me with Elijah's blood in my system"

Marianne tried to conceal her shock with the news. Tristan had lived all of this time, he had not died or missed out on a life, like she had. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath in, trying to stop herself from throwing up. "You stabbed me"

"You planned to kill me, was I to stand by and let you kill me?" He asked "But you did not know whom fed me their blood to keep me alive, did you?"

Marianne didn't reply, she felt an anger rise in her that she had not experienced before. More anger than what she felt when she realised her heart had been torn. Marianne was livid.

"Your paramour, went against your will, out of his way on your wedding day, knowing how much it meant to you to kill me, and fed me his blood to keep me alive. Then he went and killed you" Tristan summed up, seeing how it effected her and wanting her to suffer like he did "not much of a love, wouldn't you say?"

"Go to hell" She spoke quietly, feeling inferior to the man who used to harness great power as a human, now turned vampire. She did not know what he was capable of now he was a vampire.

"Oh love, I have been there ever since you betrayed me" He whispered dauntingly in her ear, sending shivers up her spine. "And now it is your turn; I will raise hell and make you wish you were dead"

"Why not kill me now?" she asked "I am, after all mortal, I am disposable, kill me and save yourself the hassle trying to when I am less vulnerable" at this particular moment, Marianne did not know why she was even alive, she did not know anything and everything had changed. What did she have to live for?

"I am not going to grant you that solace, dear" Tristan knew that Marianne was not happy, he did after all live with her and know her for three years, maybe not as much as he thought. But he knew she was uncomfortable with the life she was in. "You'll be on your knees, begging for my forgiveness by the time I have finished"

Marianne swallowed, her mouth drying up by the second. She needed to get out, she needed to get away.

So she turned and without another word. She ran.

Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now