A B rank mission and the Land of Waves

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Third Person

"Are you now in position?" Kakashi's voice boomed through the earpiece as his four students went to their said plositions.

"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Naruto, I'm at point A. Believe it!"

"You're too slow, Naruto," Kakashi scolded the blond as he then sulked quietly before silence occurred and no one responded.

"Naru, are you there?" Kakashi asked and there was no response. "Naru?"

"Oh sorry, Kakashi. Naru, I'm already at point D ten minutes ago," the red-headed said, patting an animal in her arms as she was sitting on ground, leaning her back against the tree.

"Okay, team seven. Let's –," Kakashi was cut off when Sasuke told the target had moved and ordered his students to go.

"What's the distance?"

"Five meters. I'm ready! Just give us the signal," Naruto whispered.

"Me too," Sasuke agreed.

"So am I," Sakura added. Kakashi waited for Naru to respond but the respond he got was only silence and so, he ignored her respond and told his students to move out and capture the target.

Kakashi went out of hiding and to the clearing to find Naruto holding a white rabbit instead of the target. "This is not the cat!" Naruto exclaimed, trying to hold on the rabbit but it struggled in Naruto's grasp and jumped out, running away from the foxy as if its life was depending on it. The group looked around to find where the target was until a sigh stopped them.

"This is ridiculous!" a voice exclaimed and the four looked up to find the red head holding a brown cat with a bow around its neck, purring as it enjoyed her presence. "Good job, Naru!" Kakashi complimented before he proclaimed that the target had been found.



Naruto argued with the old man about our mission being too boring and not lively and lively as in more action. Iruka scolded the foxy, saying we have no idea about being ninja. Giving Iruka the look, he turned to find me looking at him and instantly gave me a sorry look. He knew I was already a ninja since I was a kid.

The Hokage then lectured us about the principles and other things but we weren't interested. Instead, the four of us, Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke and I, were interested on Naruto's journey about having Miso Ramen. It irked the Hokage who yelled, "Silence!"

Naruto, who was sitting on the floor, turned to face the Hokage with his arms crossed. The foxy told the Hokage he was not the boy who pulled out pranks and he was a ninja which made the Hokage chuckled.

With this, after a few small arguments and agreements, the Hokage gave us a C rank mission which was escorting someone back to their village. "Come in," the Hokage said and the door opened, revealing an old man with a straw hat and was carrying a bottle of sake. The smell of alcohol greeted my nostrils and I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Are you expecting me to be guarded by them? They all look ridiculous! Especially the short one with the idiotic look on his face," the old man sneered. The four of us formed a line to see who it was. Sasuke was the tallest followed by Sakura, Naruto and then, I'm last but I knew too well the old man was directing to Naruto.

If it was directing to me, he'll be dead in seconds. I wouldn't care if I'll be torture to death just by killing our client.

"I will demolish you!" Naruto yelled and was about to tackle the old man when Kakashi stopped him by grabbing and pulling the back of his collar. "Naruto, you are suppose to protect the client, not demolishing him," Kakashi scolded. Grumbling under his breath, the Hokage explained the mission and the old man whose name was Tazuna introduced himself.

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