The survival training

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To those who read Rebirth In HunterXHunter, I won't be able to update since my mum, maybe, hid my computer. The HunterXHunter manga are all inside the my laptop so I won't be able to update unless I have my laptop with me.

So, I'm sorry if you guys are disappointed and all. I really am.

Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter even if it sucks pretty badly.

Third Person

The sky was dark yet it was bright as the sun slowly ascended. The birds were chirping happily as the morning breeze blew gently against its surroundings. Despite the fact it was four o'clock in the morning, three familiar genin came, two were obviously tired as they yawned and had bags under their eyes while the other one didn't even yawn let alone blinking his eyes from his drowsiness.

"Morning," the blonde yawned and the pinkette replied. On the other hand, the ravenette just gave a grunt in reply and the three then waited for their perverted sensei and the redhead companion.

Speaking of the devil, the girl was still sleeping under the covers, snoring quietly, as the clock on her bedside table was ticking. The clock ticked and ticked until the hand reached six o'clock and that was when the clock rang.

Due to the noise, the girl woke up, feeling fresh and awake, and jumped out of her covers after she punched her alarm clock. Grabbing her towel from the hanger, she then went inside her bathroom to do her daily routine.

After she unclothed herself, she step inside the clean shower and turned the knobs for warm water as cold water and her don't mix well. She then enjoyed the moment as the hot droplets trickled down her before she cleaned herself.

After the routine, she went out of her bathroom, dried with a towel wrapped around her, and began to rummage her wardrobe for her clothes. She wore her undergarments and bandages around her chest and grabbed a black red with the nets as short sleeves and a pair of white knee-length pants. After wearing the given clothes, she dried her hair using a simple wind jutsu before tying her hair into a ponytail following with her headband which she then tied it around her forehead.

Once she was set, she went out and began to make breakfast despite the fact her sensei prevented her and her teammates to eat breakfast due to unknown reason they were yet to be told.



Aftet having my breakfast, I went out of my apartment and decided to take a short stroll around the village before heading to the training grounds. Knowing Kakashi, I knew if I went there now with the sun still dozing off but a bit awake, I had to wait, maybe until afternoon, with the rest for Kakashi and I am not going to waste that precious time.

Locking my apartment door, I then began to stroll around the village. The village was quiet and serene with the birds tweeting, the morning breeze blew gracefully around its surroundings. There were a few villagers outside but that didn't make the tranquility faded.

When I was about to take a sharp turn, I almost bumped into someone but with my sharp reflexes, I stopped on my tracks and jumped a few inches back, looking up. Eyes widened and I let my guard up but it went down when I saw a familiar face. My face turned pale and I gave an awkward laugh when I saw who was standing right in front of me.

"H-hey, Kakashi-sensei. It's nice to see you here. Hehehe... W-what a coincidence," I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck as I made a small laugh. The said sensei gave me the look before letting out a hopeless sigh.

"I guess you also had your breakfast," he lazily stated and I nodded my head, giving him a sheepish smile. "Indeed I did," I said. He let out another sigh before making a gesture for me to follow him to the training grounds.

Naruto's Twin Sister (Naruto Fanfiction) (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant