~Chapter One~

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•Percy P.O.V•

I ran towards the camp border, feeling uncertain. From a distance I had seen movements, and the closer I got, the more certain I was that someone was outside the border, and from the sounds of it, they were in trouble.

I quickly assessed the scene, and saw a boy around what I guessed was the age of ten, and three monsters. One of them, of course had to be the Minotaur. That gave me an extra burst of adrenaline,seeing my age old enemy and I jumped into the scene, standing between the monsters and the boy.

"Get over the hill!" I shouted, not looking at him, hoping that he would do so.

I sprinted towards the monsters, quickly taking out the two on the sides, but I wasn't able to take down the Minotaur just yet.

I looked back, wondering if he had listened and ran over the hill. Instead of listening to me and running over the hill, he just stood there, as if nothing dangerous was happening.

Before I was able to repeat what I previously had said, the Minotaur suddenly charged. Knowing that I would be unable to stop the Minotaur, I grabbed the boy and tried pulling him over the hill.

I got halfway before I knew I could not make it and dropped the boy, my sword loosely in my hands, ready to strike.

The Minotaur was a few feet away from me when I slashed the sword through it, but I had not held it properly and it had flown out of my hands after it went had slashed half way through the
I looked around me, searching for the boy I had just saved, forgetting Riptide for a moment, knowing it would come back to me in a few seconds.

I looked around, and couldn't find him until I looked back at Riptide.

He was holding it clumsy but tightly in his hands.

Other campers must have noticed what was happening, because soon there were a few dozen campers swarming around us.

"I took the bullman down!" The boy started shouting. "That guy was just laughing at me, while waving this sword!" He went on, pointing at Riptide in his hand.

"What!" I shouted, "I killed them."

"No, you most certainly did not!" He shouted right back at me. "If I hadn't grabbed that sword out of your hands, I would have died!"

Campers started whispering, wondering if it could be true. At last, Chiron arrived at the scene. Before he reached me, a few campers spoke to him, probably telling him what the boy had just said.

He trotted up to me, his eyes showing clear signs of disapproval.

"Percy." He began. "I'm very disappointed in you."

A wave of sadness rolled through me, knowing that Chiron had taken the benefit of the doubt, and chosen the boy's side on the matter.

"Chiron, there is no way they he could have defeated the Minotaur!" I shouted due to my anger.

"Mind your tone!" He opened with. "If you had killed the monsters, how come he has your sword?"

"I-I dropped it when I slew the minotaur." I replied.

"You have never dropped your sword in such a fight, stop trying to act innocent." He ended off with a sharp tone.

I started walking away, until suddenly I heard campers shouting.

"He's getting claimed!" I heard someone shout, and more and more people voiced their astonishment of someone being claimed so soon.

I turn around, annoyed and angry, but still interested in who his parent was.

I looked at him, and then the giant symbol above his head.

Out of all the things he could have been, did he really have to be my brother?

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